Site icon Is Sexting Really Cheating?

5 Text Messages you should send your spouse today

In a recent article Ian Kerner talks about the angle that some take in regards to cheating via technology:

With its easy accessibility and novelty, the Internet enables us to easily tune out and turn off to our partners, when we should be making an effort to tune in and turn on.

The instant gratification of these technologies stimulates reward centers in the brain, and soon we find ourselves craving the quick hit of an instant connection or lamenting its absence.

Real relationships take time and patience, whereas sexting a stranger or engaging in a flirtatious Facebook friendship brings us a quick thrill and requires a lot less work. And the more technology becomes a personal accessory that renders us always on, the more likely we are to become novelty seekers in search of the next ping.

We live in an era when many consider sexual infidelity to be the ultimate personal betrayal. But there are those who believe that if infidelity doesn’t involve a physical component, it’s not really cheating””and that’s just not true.

You can read the entire article at

BMWK family, is sexting, messaging via FB and sending suggestive Tweets still cheating? We think it is, what about you?

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