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Relationship 101: 8 Ways to Overcome Communication Challenges

[tps_header]Several years ago, I realized I needed to improve my communication skills. I was in a relationship with a man who was open and willing to communicate, however our styles were so different that we never fully understood one another. In order to move forward in the relationship, we decided to work on understanding one another and communicating more effectively.

Below are eight tidbits that I learned from a variety of sources during my time of communication discovery. These tips have allowed me to communicate more effectively in my relationships, and I hope they help you too.

8 Ways to Overcome Communication Challenges


Speak in Headlines

Women can often be too detail oriented. Men really don’t care what you have to say. They love you, but they don’t want to hear every detail. Give them the 140-character or 10-second-or-less version. Speak in headlines as if you were reading the headline in the newspaper to him. Trust me on this one ladies, he will hear you much better this way.

Set Your Expectations

Engage your mate, according to his or her person/personality type. Don’t compare them to anyone else, including yourself. Expect how he will receive your comments, questions critics, and adjust your approach to apply specifically to him. Celebrate exactly who they are and align your expectations in the same manner.

Choose the Right Time

As women have cycles, when we’re more likely to be irritable versus understanding, men do too. Choose a time when your mate is feeling chatty. But if it seems as if your man is feeling moody and/or wants to be left alone, then give him his space. Try again, another time.

Take the High Road

If your partner is acting childish about something, don’t react or respond to the foolishness. I heard someone say, “Speak to the king or queen in him or her and not the foolish little boy or girl that is acting out before you.” When you respond to the foolishness, it gets everyone off course. Always, choose to stay in control and take the high road at all cost. Your partner will eventually join you back on course.

Tune into Your Delivery

This is another classic case when actions speak louder than words. Make sure that the delivery of your message doesn’t overshadow your message. When you are communicating in a fit of over-exaggerated anger, your body language or condescending posture can drown out the message, causing your mate to respond to those signals rather than your actual words.

Be a Team Player

Don’t feel as if you have to “win” an argument. Approach challenges like teammates and not as competitors. Put yourself in the mind frame of coming up with a solution together. Be the partner that is needed to help fulfill each other’s vision.

Show Love and Appreciation

We don’t realize what we have until it’s gone. Appreciate the person before you while you have the chance. With that love and appreciation, you’ll engage in all communications with respect and a desire to work toward an amicable solution.

Pray for Each Other

Encourage one another.  If you don’t, who will? Pray for the best for your mate. And pray for guidance whenever you hit a roadblock.

By no means do I claim to be a communications expert, but I have lived on both sides of the communication spectrum and there is nothing better than the effective communication side. I hope these help.

[tps_footer]BMWK, which tip will you apply in your relationship?[/tps_footer]




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