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Confession…I Can’t Wobble

Photo credit: ifoto

I get nervous at weddings, parties, clubs and other social gatherings where there might be music or dancing involved. Not on every song…but when certain songs are played I get a bit anxious.  You might be asking yourself why a middle aged Black woman like myself would feel insecure about being in a situation such as this, but my fears are valid.  You see…I don’t know how to do ANY of the line dances that are out now.  That’s right.  I can’t “Wobble”.  I can’t “Cha-Cha Slide”.  I also can’t “Cupid Shuffle”.

Don’t ask me why, but I’ve never actually taken the time to learn any of them.  Who ever thought that the Electric Slide would be replaced?  I stopped going to the club when I got married and instantly became a full time working, wife and mother. As a couple, my husband and I rarely went to places where line dancing was necessary.  Now years later, as a full time writer/blogger, I find myself attending numerous social networking events and they always involve line dancing. And it appears that everybody including tiny children know the moves to all of the popular line dances.

When I hear “wobble baby wobble baby wobble baby wobble” and see men and women running in droves to get their spot on the dance floor… Oh how I wish I could join them.  When I see them going …to the left, to the left and to the left once more I just know if I had the chance and with the proper training I could get it right.  So I make excuse after excuse when the time comes.  Telling tales such as, “I’m gonna sit THIS one out” or “girl my feet are KILLIN me!”

Today, I decided that I will no longer hide behind my shame.  I want to share with all who are reading this… I am setting out on a course to learn how to “wobble”, cha-cha slide” and “cupid shuffle’!  I vow that the next time you see me in a social situation where dancing in unison is required that I will be getting my wobble on.

If you need help with your wobble, check these out: The Wedding Wobble  and Another Wedding Wobble.. They Claim to Be the Best.

BMWK – Am I the only one that can’t line dance? What’s your favorite line dance?

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