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Encourage, Plan, and Pray: 3 Ways to Support Your Spouse When They’ve Started a Business

Does it always seem like your spouse has an idea for a new business? In this age of entrepreneurial startups, there is a good chance you are married to an entrepreneur. Supporting a spouse with an entrepreneurial startup is an adventure. It is very different from supporting a spouse who is changing jobs. When your spouse starts their own business they need you in their corner. Here are 3 ways you can show your support.

They need you in their corner not standing on the sidelines waiting to see if they fail.

1. Be Realistic and Encouraging.

Reality is, this may be your spouse’s dream and not your dream. If this is the case, it is possible to be supportive even under these conditions. Let your spouse know you are pulling for them and not against them. They need you in their corner not standing on the sidelines waiting to see if they fail. Tip: Use your words to build up and speak the truth in love. Be there when things are going great and when they are challenging.

2. Don’t Argue Over Bills.

Bills will come and bills will go. Some type of bill will always be there. Taxes, gas, and electricity are all things that will reoccur, month after month. They are not going anywhere. Don’t argue over bills. Budget as much as possible. Call your creditors if you’re running behind. Becoming an entrepreneur, especially if you are the bread winner for your family, will bring financial changes. Brace yourself for the changes. Keep them in perspective of the big picture and don’t allow bills to take over your life. Stay in agreement.

Tip: Look at what things are a necessity and what things are simply for comfort and pleasure. Plan ahead and make the necessary adjustments.

3. Pray for Wisdom and Understanding.

You and your spouse need wisdom and understanding surrounding your entrepreneurial journey. You will need wisdom in decision making regarding the business and your family. A new level of understanding and patience will be needed when he/she stays up late at night without coming to bed. It will take wisdom to handle the new situations you face.

It’s easy to be there when the business venture is off the ground and running –when the money is rolling in and everything is going well. It’s tougher to hang in there when income has been cut and the cable is turned off.

I encourage you to hang in there and support your mate. Face the reality of the situation. Tell the truth in love. No arguing, but be prayerful for wisdom and understanding.

Tip: See beyond the right now and see the generational wealth that can be established for your children and your children’s children to come.

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BMWK Family Ronnie and Lamar Tyler founders of Black and Married with Kids have an outstanding resource on creating generational wealth in YOUR family. Check it out – Generation One 

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