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How to Be an Ephesians 5 Husband for Your Proverbs 31 Wife

single christian men, Ephesians 5, marriage problems

When I say the words, “Proverbs 31 wife,” most people, especially married folk, know what I’m talking about. A Proverbs 31 wife is the true definition of the “trophy wife.” She is a woman her husband can be proud to call his own, and as the Bible passage says, “she is more precious than rubies” and surpasses all women. But what should her husband look like? Well, Ephesians 5 gives us a clue.

How to Be an Ephesians 5 Husband for Your Proverbs 31 Wife

In this article:

  1. Give yourself up for her
  2. Keep her clean
  3. Help to reveal her beauty
  4. Love her as you love yourself
  5. Get as close to her as possible

For many women familiar with the passage, and those who’ve received counsel from women more seasoned in marriage, it becomes something they desire and strive towards. But what about her husband?

Having a true Proverbs 31 wife would be amazing. But it seems incomplete.

What kind of husband would be the perfect match for the Proverbs 31 wife? Where is the manual, the blueprint for a man like this?

The perfect man for the Proverbs 31 wife is the Ephesians 5 husband. Like the woman in Proverbs, this brotha has it going on. But, I’m guessing that unless you are a serious Bible reader, you may not be as familiar with Ephesians 5 as you are with the passage in Proverbs. Well, if you want to be an Ephesians 5 man, here’s what you should do:

Give yourself up for her

Marriage can be seen as one big journey from selfishness to selflessness. An Ephesians 5 husband will give up everything he has in order to make sure his wife has what she needs. No matter how big the sacrifice, meeting her needs becomes his priority.

Keep her clean

My wife was dealing with a troubling situation the other day, and I told her “I’m willing to be the bad guy.” Basically, I was saying put it all on me. I’ll get as dirty as I have to in order to keep you clean. Helping her character remain clean is important, and I’ve found the best way to do this is by learning and living according to the Bible.

Help to reveal her beauty

Ephesians 5 calls husbands to “present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle.” Our charge is not to dog our wives, or point out their shortcomings, but to do all we can to reveal the true beauty we see inside her. My bible readers know the “church” has some issues, but Christ sees something different. Just the same our wives have some issues, but we are to see and reveal her beauty.

Love her as you love yourself

Most people treat themselves better than they treat others. We make exceptions for the same mistakes we condemn in other people. But with our wives, if we are to be Ephesians 5 husbands, we should love and treat her the same way we do ourselves. Ephesians 5 husbands treat their wives with the utmost care and concern.

Get as close to her as possible

If you have your Bible out now and are reading along, you’ll see the next call to an Ephesians 5 husband is to become one with your wife. The Bible actually says “one flesh.” That means to become closer to her than anybody or anything else on this earth. Even if it means separating from other people or things that come against your union. Once you become one, nothing can keep you apart.

BMWK – Men, are you being an Ephesians 5 husband for your Proverbs 31 wife? Ladies, how is your man doing.

Up Next: 5 Ways to R-E-S-P-E-C-T Your Wife

Editor’s Note – This post was originally published on December 12, 2013, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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