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Is Your Good Woman Getting Your Good Love?

For the last couple of weeks I have been highlighting the Wife of Noble Character in Proverbs 31. We’ve talked about how the modern day wife measures up and what’s the overall reward in being a good woman.

Since I am reminding the women to be good to their men and families, I know it is equally important to address the husbands. Men, I have to ensure that all these good women you have settled down with are being well taken care of.

Brothers, I must start by reminding you that a good woman is hard to find.

But I am sure you already know that. So, if you have one, you better love her like you want and desire her.

I know sometimes relationships can be stressful and I can’t say that I know what it’s like to be a man in this world with the responsibility of leading and protecting his family.  

But I know you got this, and we got you. With that being said, there are just a few questions you should be able to answer to confirm whether or not you are taking good care of your good woman:  

Are you listening to her?

I know, we sometimes share a little more than most of you would like, but know it’s because we enjoy communicating with you. We want to know your thoughts on certain subjects. Or we just simply want you to know what’s happening in our world. We love when you listen and even ask questions to show your interest.   

Men, these 5 things can be hazardous to your relationship. Check it out.

Are you loving her, I mean really loving her?

Just like you, women desire sexual intimacy. Unfortunately, sometimes we’re tired from a long day; but, you can help us with that.

These things, along with the following, will definitely give your good woman a break and more energy to enjoy you in the bedroom:

Are you affirming her?

If it has been a while since you told your wife how amazing she is, stop reading this right now and go tell her. Most women want to know and feel like they are appreciated. Phrases like,

“Baby, you take such good care of our family” or “I don’t know what I would do without you” are ways to boost your woman’s confidence and remind her how good of a woman she is.

Do you satisfy her requests?

If it’s important to her, support her. Relationships that work are all about sacrifice. Occasionally, you’ll have to do something that doesn’t necessarily interest you, but it will be well worth it when you see that smile on her face. Do it for her.


Do you protect her and defend her?

There shouldn’t be anyone in this world who can bad mouth your wife and get away with it. That includes your family too. Your goal as her husband is to protect her and stand up for her.

Of course when she’s wrong you tell her. But your wife should be able to count on you to have her back. You should be her ride or die, just like she is to you.

Are you faithful to her?

I almost forgot that this one needed to be said. Men, this seems like a challenge for some of you, but being faithful is the most significant way to honor and respect your woman. If you are prone to cheating, take corrective action.

Here are some ways to deal with cheating in your marriage


Believe it or not, you are very much in control of your outcomes. Be responsible and remove yourself from situations that challenge your ability to remain true. Avoid people who test you in this way and stop the “harmless flirting”.

I know most men cheat because of the attention they feel is missing at home. Communicate your needs to your wife and give her the opportunity to do something about it – before you cheat.

For most women, the Proverbs 31 woman is our goal. We want to demonstrate the love, support and pride that comes with being your wife. In order to give you our all, we desperately need your good love in return.

BMWK Husbands, how are you taking good care of your woman?

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