Can a man be faithful when he has the option to lay in "greener pastures?" Really think about that for a moment. The statement above, if true, would seem to prove otherwise. All men have the option to cheat. Whether or not a man cheats has little do with availability. It has everything to do with the character of that man. To be, or not to be faithful are both individual … [Read more...]
4 Decisions Happy Couples Make Every Single Day…No Exceptions!
Before a man and woman walk down the aisle together and enter a marriage that lasts a lifetime, something amazing must take place. And I don't mean choosing a beautiful gown for her and a dapper tuxedo for him. I'm not even talking about their choice of groomsmen and bridesmaids to share their special day. No, long before the "I Do's" are even conceived, a man and woman … [Read more...]
Is Your Good Woman Getting Your Good Love?
For the last couple of weeks I have been highlighting the Wife of Noble Character in Proverbs 31. We’ve talked about how the modern day wife measures up and what’s the overall reward in being a good woman. Since I am reminding the women to be good to their men and families, I know it is equally important to address the husbands. Men, I have to ensure that all these good … [Read more...]
5 Ways You’re Being Unfaithful to Your Mate Without Even Knowing It
Forget the words adultery, affair, or infidelity for now. Just because you haven’t cheated on your mate or haven’t had an emotional affair doesn’t mean you haven’t been unfaithful to him/her. The myth about faithfulness, from the eyes of the recipient, is my mate will be 100% committed to me. If that person is found to be unfaithful, to find out why, I flip the question and … [Read more...]