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Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?

by Ronnie Tyler

Lamar and I have different view points on taking our kids out to a sit down restaurant for dinner. Since they are so little, he does not want to take them to restaurants at all because they usually cry or have an episode that causes one of us to take them out of the dining area. He can not truly enjoy his meal and also he does not like to ruin other people’s meals with our crying kids. Me on the other hand, I like to go out with the entire family from time to time to a family friendly restaurant. And I don’t mind taking the kids out of the dining area if they get rowdy. I see this as a natural part of having small kids. And some of you might say, well I don’t have small kids. Well yes, but you were once a small kid and if you don’t want to deal with other folk’s kids, then I am sure there are other restaurants that are better suited for older crowds or dates…etc.
Overall, I think I am respectful of other restaurant patrons. But I have to admit that I don’t take the kids out of the dining area as quick as Lamar when the kids get loud. If you even look like you are about to cause a scene, Daddy is going to snatch you up and have you in the lobby before your eyes blink. While I tend to try to negotiate and reason with kids before ultimately having to take them to the bathroom or lobby.

With that being said you have to know that I was delighted that Lamar agreed to take us out to dinner one Saturday afternoon.

Here is a picture of Lamar and the kids at the beginning of the meal. Everyone looks happy.

Then… Uh oh… a potential breakdown is happening. Me and all of the girls are trying to console the baby before Daddy presses the eject button.

Over all we had a good meal, notice all of the kids ended up sitting next to me.

And where is Daddy? Sitting across from us looking like he has just been through an ordeal 🙂

BMWK Family – what’s your view on taking small kids out to dinner? Does it bother you to hear other people’s kids while you are having dinner?

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