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How Long Would You Wait for a Ring?

This month an Essence reader shared the fact that she had been with her boyfriend for six years and has yet to get a ring. She went on to say that she was starting to lose hope.

It is a known fact that marriage is not something two people should enter into without giving it a lot of thought. That said, different people have different ideas on how long they should or shouldn’t be dating someone before taking the next step. And some people are comfortable being in a relationship without adding marriage into the equation.

While the reader’s question raises some possible concerns with regards to her situation one can’t help but wonder how long is too long to wait for a proposal.

“You definitely know if you want to or are willing to marry someone after being with them for that long. I hate to say it, but homeboy is playing games. He also knows you are not going to ” pressure” him about marriage. You should not have to pressure him. If the two of you were already on the same page with your goals, values, and the future, you would already be married. The fact that he has not asked you to marry him is truly a big red flag.” ~ Dr. Sherry

For more on Dr. Sherry’s response visit Essence.

BMWK — How long would you wait for marriage?

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