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How Many Promises Have You Reneged on Since You Got Married?

Do you remember the beginning of your relationship? What was it like? I’m sure you were both excited about the newness of getting to know one another. The beginning of anything is usually exciting. In the beginning, couples are typically focused on pleasing and impressing the other. There is so much effort put into the relationship because we want it to last. We are somehow able to deliver everything we need to keep our partner interested. We are also willing to make sacrifices and do what’s necessary to keep the relationship afloat. But sometimes, after we get settled and are comfortable, we forget some of the promises or behaviors we demonstrated that attracted our partner to us.

It’s important that individuals in relationships frequently take time to assess their own behavior in their marriage and ask a few very important questions. We must remember the beginning of the relationship to ensure some of the same actions are taking place.

Use the questions below to determine where you stand as a spouse and to determine whether or not you’re keeping your marriage promises.

Are you still excited to spend time with your partner? If yes, how do you show it? If no, please answer why not?

Are you consistently making your partner a priority? If yes, by doing what? If no, why not?

Do you call to check on your spouse frequently, when you’re apart?

Do you still make an effort to look good for your spouse? If yes, in what ways? If no, why not?

Are you still getting to know your spouse? If yes, how? If no, why not?

Are you still interested in getting to know your spouse?

Do you make time for your spouse?

Do you do things for your spouse just because?

Do you speak positively about your spouse? If yes, what types of things do you say? If no, why not?

Do you frequently tell your spouse how much you love him/her and show it as well? If no, why not?

Keep in mind, each of the questions listed above are things/ideas/actions we had in the beginning of our relationships. What keeps our marriages alive and well is to make sure we are being mindful of everything listed and not reneging on your pre-marriage promises?

BMWK, what promises/questions would you add to this list?

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