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How the Fear of Rejection Can Stunt Your Growth and Keep You Single

The word says that God is love and His perfect love casts out all fear. We may find ourselves in a fearful place where taking a risk in being rejected keeps us from trying. When it comes to the single life and dating, we have to take these risks every time we go out. It’s one thing to try and get shot down, it’s another to not try at all out of fear of being shot down. I’m encouraging you today to not be afraid of being told “No,” or experiencing rejection.

Fear of rejection tried to arrest me from making an important business call once. My mind created all these different scenarios, trying to shift from negative to positive. I had to sit in my car and pray for peace to accomplish the task. “What if I get a voice mail? What if it’s the wrong number? What if they say no?” I thought about all those things, but if I had given into the fear, I wouldn’t make the call and that would haunt me later down the line.

I said to myself that I didn’t want to yield to or bow down to fear, so I took a deep breath and made the call. For me it was a big deal, but some people can understand what I’ve been through or apply it to other situations. I can imagine how well this relates to men who are a little intimidated to approach a beautiful woman, or someone reaching out to their significant other after a big fight. There’s some fear there, and it’s blocking your way to a potential blessing.

For believers, it may be God’s way of protecting you from something that was not for you or fit for you at this time.

The fear of rejection inhibits you from being you authentic self. Self resentment, ill thoughts and repressed anger are just a few of the things that can take root inside of you when you let fear reign. That fear can cause you to not make a choice to try something you always wanted to out of not wanting to look stupid, lonely, weak, “soft,” too vulnerable, emotional, or embarrassed, but does that mean that what you’re afraid of is the wrong thing to do?

NO! The wrong thing to do is to give in to the fear. We can be concerned about the issues surrounded by rejection, but the fear of being rejected is just as harsh.

We all hope to get into successful relationships, but fear of rejection keeps us bound from trying something new, broadening our horizons, approaching or initiating conversation with someone you’re attracted to, and even admitting your ugly flaws to those who try to get to know you. You win when you fight the fear and God will get the glory because you kept going, living, trying. My prayer is that we all break free from fear of rejection and from rejection’s negative effects if and when it happens to us.

And for many optimists and those well on their way to that, rejection can often be seen as a change of course in your plan. For believers, it may be God’s way of protecting you from something that was not for you or fit for you at this time. Don’t let one rejection stifle you from pursuing something that God has given you to do; it’s time to get breakthroughs despite the fear of rejection.

Remember that God loves you and to love yourself despite how everyone else treats you. Take the risk of being rejected because fear has no power or place in your life! It can be a learning lesson if your attempt resulted in rejection, but you will know that fear did not hold you back. God is in you and He is bigger than the pain of rejection, much bigger than the fear as well.

BMWK, what are your biggest fears? 

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