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Husbands: Here Are 7 Basic Things Every Wife Should Experience in Her Marriage

Check here to read: Wives: Here Are 6 Things Every Husband Should Experience in His Marriage

As a young girl, many women look forward to their wedding day. She envisions herself in her white wedding gown, walking down the aisle  and into the arms of her prince charming. Her marriage, she hopes, will be a happy ever after.

The reality of marriage is that it’s not always that fairy tale. It’s surprisingly a little harder than some of us thought. There are a few things husbands and wives need in order for them to feel their marriage is successful.

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Because I am a wife, I can only speak from that perspective. Here are a few things every wife should experience in her marriage.

1. To experience unconditional love

We all enter our marriages with flaws. Wives need husbands who will love them, flaws and all. She knows she isn’t perfect. It is her hope that her husband is accepting of her bad habits and imperfections. She should be made to feel good no matter what.

2. To experience a faithful husband

I often wonder if it is too much to ask for a man to be faithful to his wife. I’ve also questioned why men who knew this was a challenge for them would get married in the first place.

Men, this is a wife’s biggest request.

If you feel as though you’re missing something, be honest and share it with your wife. Providing her an opportunity to work on the area she needs to improve is always the best way to ensure the longevity of your relationship.  

3. To experience a drama free home

Although it may seem as though women are usually full of drama, we’d rather not fight with our spouse if we can help it. We just happen to have certain specific needs and, when those needs aren’t met, we can be very vocal about it.

Our approach may not always be ideal, but know that it is the result of an important need. Husbands can definitely help wives learn how to communicate and properly ask for what we want.

4. To experience feeling protected in her marriage

She needs a husband who will defend her and stand up for her. Even if it means going to bat for her with his own family, a wife should feel safe in her marriage. One of the key roles of a husband is to protect his family.

5. To experience encouragement and support

Occasionally wives can feel overwhelmed in a marriage. She needs her husband to take on some tasks, step in when necessary and give her a break.

Although she may not come right out and ask for it, believe me she needs it. And a husband taking the initiative on this will absolutely make her feel supported.  

6. To experience a husband who trusts her with his everything

Communication may not come as easy to men as it does to women, but your wife needs to hear from you. It’s the one sacrifice that needs to be made in a marriage.

Related: How can I trust my wife if she is dishonest? Does she deserve to be trusted?

Talk to your wife, share with her what’s on your mind. A woman appreciates a great heart to heart with her husband more than anything.

7. To experience a life of enjoyment

Sharing your life with someone should be enjoyable. Women should look forward to spending time with her husband. There should be laughter, friendship and spontaneity.

Date nights, weekend getaways, and even events such as retreats to help improve the relationship, should be frequent. Life is wasted when it’s spent worrying, nagging and looking for what’s wrong. A wife, and a husband too, wants to enjoy their marriage.

These are just a few of the things a wife should experience in her marriage. Love, joy and peace are usually the goal. Husbands play a huge rule in having a successful outcome in each of those areas.

Check here to read: Wives: Here Are 6 Things Every Husband Should Experience in His Marriage

BMWK, what do you think every wife should experience in her marriage?

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