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Husbands, Your Wife May Be Bored in Your Marriage; Here Are 5 Reasons Why

Believe me, it is not a wife’s desire to get bored or lose interest in her spouse. Sometimes, unfortunately, it just happens.

I’ve coached women how to manage this situation when it occurs in their marriage. Sometimes, they’re clear on why. Other times, they can’t quite pinpoint what it was that caused the disinterest.  The truth is, it can be a number of things.

Husbands, I thought I would use this platform to hip you to a few reasons why your wife may lose interest in your marriage and possibly you:

When you are on different spiritual paths
I’ve seen wives struggle in this area. For many women, getting their husbands to just attend church is a constant battle. Husbands, if it’s the church that you have issue with, share that with your wife. Don’t just flatly refuse without an explanation. Together you can find a church that speaks to both of your spiritual needs.  If you’re nervous about praying together, share that too.

When the sex isn’t satisfying
If intimacy isn’t as frequent or seems to feel like a chore to her, ask her what’s needed to make it more exciting. Sex is a two person activity, so it can’t be enjoyable or desirable to only one of you. Husbands, we know these conversations can be tough, especially if they involve your bedroom performance. But make sure you are clear on the bedroom expectations, that you both brainstorm solutions together and that you’re also willing to deliver.

When she feels invisible
When couples get comfortable in a marriage, it’s easy to take one another for granted. It may not be your intentional doing, but your wife may not feel special to you. It’s usually the little things that matter to most women. Husbands, show her in your actions that you notice and appreciate her daily.

When there are too many turn-offs too often
The wives I’ve chatted with who’ve found themselves in this space have felt as though their  husband had let himself go or that he isn’t even attempting to improve in the areas she complains about. As you can imagine, a wife in this predicament would find it irritating and inconsiderate. It’s important that both partners maintain the areas where there spouse is most concerned. Husbands, whether it’s weight gain or those little annoying habits, focus on ways to improve.

When someone else is stroking her ego
Some women find it exciting when other men express interest. It makes them feel as though they still have “it,” which is usually a needed feeling over time. There are many women who enjoy attention, but believe me, she would much rather receive that attention from her husband than anyone else.

The reality is that sometimes marriage gets boring. Again, it’s both partners’ responsibility to keep it alive and well. Husbands in particular, please pay attention to the needs of your wife. Ask her what she needs, how you can satisfy her and whether or not she’s happy. These questions will provide the information you need to keep your marriage thriving.

BMWK, husbands how do you keep your marriage alive and well?

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