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6 Ways to Make Your Husband Feel Loved Outside of the Bedroom

If your husband is anything like mine, he appreciates some loving outside of the bedroom. We know our husbands are sexual beings. However, there is more to the connection between husband and wife than sex. I’m talking about whatever affection is to your man.

I know what affection looks like to me, but it took me some time to learn what affection means to my husband. I had to learn what makes him feel loved. As manly as our guys are, they need to feel loved just like we do.

If you want to put a lasting smile on your husband’s face, pay attention to the little things that bring him joy. It could be the way you hold his hand or how you make a big deal over him washing the dishes.

Read: 4 Ways to Protect Your Husband…Because He Needs It too

You hold the key to finding out what causes your husband to feel loved. On your search to find this out, here are six scenarios to lookout for:

  1. Take note of what makes him smile.
  2. Recall what conversations get him excited.
  3. Listen when he talks about his day to discover what makes him proud.
  4. Watch when he plays with the children and notice what brings the biggest laughs.
  5. Listen for what he longs to share with you.
  6. Notice what nonsexual touch causes him to relax.

As you give extra attention to these six areas you may be surprised at what you learn about your man. For example, while paying attention to these areas I learned my husband likes to hold hands. He grabs my hand often. His face seems to lighten when we hold hands, almost as if the cares of the day just got lighter. It’s an action that causes him to feel my expressed love. Who knew? I thought it was just something we did. I didn’t realize the positive affect it was having.

What verbal and nonverbal actions that cause him to feel your expressed love?

Once you have observed and noticed what actions cause your husband to experience your expressed love show it every day.

  1. Tell him he’s a good dad.
  2. Let him know how you appreciate his protection.
  3. Rub the back of his neck while driving.
  4. Allow him to wind down when he gets in from work.
  5. Go with him to the car races or whatever sport or hobby he enjoys.
  6. Hold hands while walking through the mall.
  7. Laugh at his silly jokes.
  8. Express you’re proud of him.

Loving outside the bedroom doesn’t replace sexual fulfillment, but it does fuel and support your man. Your husband’s language of affection may surprise you. However once you learn it, your husband will reap the benefit and so will your marriage.

BMWK Ladies – What makes your husband feel loved?

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