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Is There Room for the Male Ego in a Marriage?

Is there room for the male ego in a marriage?

The male ego for many years has received a bad rap. If you hear the word ego generally something negative is coming next. So that we are talking about the same thing, let’s set a definition for ego. After that, let’s see if there is room for the male ego within a marriage relationship.

Ego according to dictionary is a person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance. It is a sense of personal identity.

You have probably heard the stereotypes – the male ego is fragile, his ego is bruised when the wife makes more money than her husband, or it’s the male ego that keeps him from asking for directions when he is lost. The stereotypes are not true about all men. They are a generalization of a whole gender of people.

My mother would always say, “Too much of any good thing is no longer a good thing.” This is true with ego. A healthy identity is needed. You want your man to know who he is. He needs to be able to stand in his greatness in order to take good care of himself and of his family. He needs self-esteem in order to hold his head up high in a world that can quickly beat him down.

Yet, an ego out of check can lead to male dominance and unhealthy conditions. Some have coined an over the top, out of control ego as Edging God Out. However, a healthy ego is a good thing. Let’s answer the question. Is there room for the male ego in a marriage? Yes; there is room for a healthy male ego. Your man should think highly of himself, just not more highly than he ought to. He should be able to encourage himself because he knows who he is and whose he is. When he can do this, he will teach his children to do the same.

When thought of in healthy terms ego [self-esteem, self-importance] simply means your man understands his value. When he understands his value, then he can also appreciate your value. A marriage benefits when both husband and wife can stand in their individual greatness and collectively form a powerful union.

There is room for a healthy male ego within a marriage relationship.

BMWK family what do you think about the male ego in marriage?

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