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It’s True: Kids Make Life Easier

I write so much about the so-called “downside” of motherhood, or how inconvenient it is or how hard I struggled when my kids were newborns.

But today, I can focus on the positives. In truth, I enjoy my kids and I love being a mom.

Yeah, I love it. Couldn’t always say that, but now I can unequivocally say that being their mother is a delight. There was one comedian that said, “I categorize all things in life into two categories: Things That Can Kill the Baby and Things That Can’t.” It’s so true. Life is much clearer now.What matters, what doesn’t.

Does it benefit my kids? Then it’s a Do. Simple as that.

I asked my blog readers to fill in the blank on the following phrase: “Motherhood makes it easier to ____”

Here’s their responses:

…not be selfish.

…to do anything with the bathroom door open, even at Walmart. Bahahahaha….


…find out who your real friends are and have something to really live for

…be patient

… take care of myself (emotionally, physically, spiritually, etc) …. If I can’t be the best me then what good am I to the little girl I am raising.

…realize that some things are simply not that important!

…be patient and less selfish

…know that I for sure only want one (LOL!)

…find the joy in every day

…lose weight cause I either can’t find the time to eat or the little one steals all my food!

…easier to appreciate life.

…embrace change.

…let people know I can’t go out with them on a Friday night. What better excuse than, “I don’t have a babysitter.”

…be myself.


…stay focused on my dreams and goals. If I can make it happen for me, I can make it happen for them.

…for me to truly know what love is all be happy and unselfish

…commit myself to progressing forward in school. If he wasn’t around, I probably wouldn’t have that extra “push” telling me to do my work (I do it online) I know I have to do it so I can get my degree and be successful to give him a better life and make him proud of me. I don’t care about disappointing anyone, but it’d break my heart if I ever disappointed my son.

…have a reason to wake up the next day knowing that I have someone to love me back!

Now you fill in the blank. “Being a parent makes it easier to _____.”

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