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Ladies, Find Out Why He Isn’t Calling for That Second Date

So, you just went out on a date with Mr. Handsome. The two of you hit it off so why isn’t he calling you back? While ladies often have a list of deal breakers when it comes to the dating world, it turns out guys do also. There are things that women do that they may not even be aware of. Mr. Handsome; however, is keenly aware and taking notes, the kind of notes that he will reference when deciding whether or not to call you for a second date. So what are these dating no-no’s in the eyes of men?

For starters, keep those social skills in check. Yes, you are strong, powerful, and assertive but that doesn’t mean you have to be nasty. Perhaps the waiter at the restaurant keeps messing up your order, does that mean you have to roll your eyes or give him an attitude? Yes, the golden rule applies to the waiter too. And as reported by Essence the way you treat others while out on a date will most likely cause the man you are on a date with to wonder how you will treat him in the event things were to get a little serious.

For 6 more of the biggest dating complaints made by men visit Essence.

BMWK — What are major dating no-no’s for you?

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