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Let it Go! How Cutting My Hair was Just the Start

Sometimes we need to let something go in order to move forward and become the best versions of ourselves. In 2009, I needed to let go of my hair. Anyone who has known me for more than a nanosecond will know that I’m a Diva (capital “D”). I had also, for too long, relied too much on my hair.

Don’t get me wrong, I loved my hair. Having the ability to wrap it or put it in a ponytail was extremely convenient, but I’d made the decision to ‘go natural’ and with no idea what I was doing, styling was hard.

I used to laugh at the girls on makeover shows when they would cry over the loss of their long hair, but moments after I cut mine, I understood. Though I made the decision to go through with the “big chop”, I had no idea how emotional it would be.

I cried…real tears.

I swore to wear a wrap until it grew out or just shave my head completely (okay, I know that didn’t make sense but hey, I was emotional). After a few days and some self-depreciating “I hate my hair” talk, I realized something…I needed to cut my hair. It wasn’t because I wanted to go natural; it was because in my hair I was holding on to the past and staying in my comfort zone.

Since then, I’ve let go of a bunch of things. I’ve purged clothes, furniture, “friends” and cyber-friends (really, who needs a zillion Facebook friends?). Letting go of something that isn’t serving you is freeing. Even if it’s “just hair”.

I say all of this to say, whatever you need to chop…whether it be your hair, a bad habit, your job or an unproductive person or relationship, get to choppin’! You will never move forward if you keep looking back. So whatever it is that you need to let go of (and you know what it is)…let it go. Here are some tips to get you started:

1. Be honest: Ask yourself why you’re holding on to certain things and why you’re thinking about letting them go. In the case of life changing purges (jobs, relationships, etc.) it may be useful to make a list of the pros of purging vs. not purging.

2. Think ahead: How will your life change for the better once you let go of unnecessary people or things?  Try not to focus on the current uncomfortable situation; instead, keep your sights on the desired result.

3. Give yourself some props: Letting go can be hard. Reward yourself for being bold enough to give up the things that hold you back.

BMKW: What do you need to let go of? What tips do you have for letting go and moving forward? 

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