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Money Monday: 9 Wealth Secrets of America’s Black Millionaires

Famous African-American success coach and motivational speaker Dennis Kimbro obsessed over a  burning question: What separates the haves from the have nots? Why do some people become wealthy while others struggle to live paycheck to paycheck?

To answer the question, Kimbro spent seven years questioning more than 500 black millionaires, and his research produced a startling conclusion. Extraordinary intelligence or being born into a wealthy family have little to do with becoming a Black millionaire. In fact, most Black millionaires have lived in poverty at some point during their lives. As Kimbro points out, the average income of the parents of Black millionaires was a meager $10,000 to $20,000 year. No silver spoons here.

So what are the traits and habits Black millionaires used to rise from humble beginnings to millionaire status. In his book, The Wealth Choice: Success Secrets of Black Millionaires, Kimbro reveals nine success principles of Black American millionaires.

1. They love what they do.
Black millionaires have found their passion in life and that passion has led them to financial security. They embody the motto: Do what you love and the money will follow. It’s this passion which enables them to endure the long hours of work and numerous set-backs that are the price of success.

2. Black millionaires are self-starters.
“The greatest waste in the world is the difference between who we are and what we could’ve become,” explains Kimbro. Millionaires push themselves, even when no one else will, in order to achieve their fullest potential.

3. They are hard workers.
“Millionaires love their work, and they love to work.” The average millionaire rises by 5:30 am and retires by 11 pm. There are no short cuts to success.

4. They recognize the power of ideas.
Creativity is the fuel for building millionaire businesses. People with the wealth mindset are constantly brainstorming new products, services, or ways to solve nagging problems.  They understand that innovation is often the ticket to wealth.

5. They recognize failure as a necessary stepping stone to success.
The fear of failure has stopped many from realizing their potential. Kimbro argues that failure is to be expected, not feared.  Because millionaires understand that failure is only temporary, they simply brush themselves off and get back up after encountering a set-back.  “Failure is never fatal; it’s the down payment you pay for success,” explains Kimbro.

6. They value learning
African-American households watch more than seven hours of television per day. Conversely, African-American millionaires, as Kimbro points out, read nearly two books per month. They understand that investments in knowledge and learning are the best investments that anyone craving success can make.

7. They constantly work on the ability to sell.
Learning how to sell is one of the most crucial skills for millionaires.  They may, for instance, have to sell themselves to an employer during an interview, sell their concepts or ideas in pitches to investor, or sell their products to consumers. Regardless, of what they sell, Kimbro argues that developing the ability to sell is crucial to your success.

8. They understand the importance of saving and investing.
The wealthy understand that you have to live below your means, while saving and investing what’s left over. Kimbro repeats the warning first laid out by business magnet W. Clement Stone, “If you cannot save 10 percent of all that you earn, the seeds of greatness are not in you.”

9. They have faith in a higher power
America’s Black millionaires overwhelmingly draw strength and guidance from a higher power. They value a close personal relationship with God which helps them weather the storms of life.

As Kimbro stresses in his book, most millionaires are not unlike you or I. They simply practice great habits on a daily basis in an unrelenting pursuit of their goals. Just as important, they believe that they will become wealthy.  They understand that, “Wealth begins in the mind but ends in the purse.”

 BMWK, Do you practice any of these 9 steps? Can you add anymore to the list?

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