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3 Proven Ways to Get Your Kids to Set Goals for the New Year…and Keep Them!

Goal setting is an important skill to teach your children. Equally important is the skill of follow-through. As one year comes to an end and another begins, it’s a good time to reevaluate and look towards the future.

Their goals don’t have to be reasonable or realistic. Let them dream outside the box. They may attain far greater than you ever imagined.

Take special note of your child’s temperament. What is a long term goal for them? Depending upon their age two week to 30 days may be long-term. Set goals according to your child’s age and maturity level. If the goal is too far out in the future they may lose sight.

Here are three strategies to use when you sit with your kids and plan for the upcoming year.

#1) Talk

Have conversations with your child about what they want to accomplish in the next month, 6 months, to a year. Talk to them and find out what is on their mind.

They may want to set goals around school, sports, money, giving, or even keeping their room clean. Help them to decide on one or two areas of focus.

#2) Plan

Plan for success. Get out a calendar, paper and pencil, and make note of  the 3-4 steps it will take to accomplish the goal at hand. Place milestone dates on a calendar that is visible for you and your child to see.

Take a look at this calendar daily. Mark off tasks as they are accomplished. Use stickers, gold stars, and whatever is necessary to keep your child motivated.

#3) Teach

Teach the art of follow-through. Instruct your child in the area of making a goal and sticking to it. Show them the value in keeping their word to themselves and experiencing the joy of accomplishing something great.

Many set goals but far fewer actually follow them through to the end. Here are several ideas to help in this area.

Goal setting is something that has been studied in universities around the world. It is found that people who set written goals are far more likely to accomplish their goals than those who never write them down.

Help your kids get off to an incredible start and teach them to set goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, and time bound. Their goals don’t have to be reasonable or realistic. Let them dream outside the box. They may attain far greater than you ever imagined.

BMWK family how old were you when you started setting goals?  

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