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Poet Janette…Ikz No Longer Waiting And Shares Her “When God Said Yes” Love Story

Feature | Poet Janette…Ikz No Longer Waiting And Shares Her “When God Said Yes” Love Story | janette ikz i will wait for you

Janette Ikz, a poet, was also praying for a man to love, just like other single women out there. Loving a man is one of the most memorable experiences a woman could ever have. But, the road to having that someone in a woman’s life may be tough, and most women are willing to take on that path, even if it means they’re simply waiting. Here, you’ll learn how Janette Ikz found her true love in God’s time.

Janette Ikz | The Poet’s Path to Finding True Love

In this article:

God’s Way of Giving You One True Love

As Christian women, we strive to please God in every area of our lives, especially with relationships. Sometimes, we find it difficult to distinguish the good from the bad. This can lead to heartache, pain, and sometimes, even worse choices. So, it’s a good idea to listen to God’s voice, establish His approval, if you will, when it comes to choosing a mate.

In our “When God Said Yes” series, Author and BMWK Writer Nikki Carpenter introduces three phenomenal women who paid attention to God’s voice and the life-changing results that followed.

Janette Ikz’s I Will Wait For You

Janette Mcghee Watson, a.k.a. Janette…Ikz, captured the heart of every single girl with her poem “I Will Wait For You”, in 2011. With close to 3 million views, it was obvious that women could relate to Janette’s conflict of wanting to be married, while impatiently, yet patiently waiting for the man God had for her. In 2014, Janette stood at the altar and said her vows to husband Matthew Watson, in the form of a poem entitled “I Waited For You.” It was the perfect follow up and encouragement to people everywhere, that God’s timing is absolutely and undeniably perfect. We had a chance to speak with Janette about how she didn’t take her husband seriously when they first met and why it’s imperative to wait for your “When God Said Yes” moment.

BMWK: What Were You Doing Before You Met Your Husband?

Janette: Exhaust this one life for God’s glory! This was my focus before marriage. I wanted to use every gift and every opportunity to glorify God with this one life! My schedule was traveling almost every weekend doing poetry and music, leading worship at my local church, teaching and running a non-profit performing arts enterprise that I co-own, and meeting with young women for discipleship and mentorship.

BMWK: What Was Your Love Life Like Prior To Meeting Him?

Janette: Prior to my husband, I had short-term relationships. I also had those times when I thought, “Maybe this guy is THE ONE!” But, that was always short-lived. I had never come across a guy whose passion and love for God matched mine. I was the initiator of prayer, reading the word, and boundaries. I also encountered the extreme opposite.

BMWK: What Is Your Love Story? How Did You Two Meet?

Janette: Matthew and I met at Chick-Fil-A that he worked at. He was invited by the operator of the store to P4CM’s Lyricist Lounge (now Rhetoric). It was that night that I presented the piece “I Will Wait For You.” I had no clue my future husband sat right in the audience as I delivered this spoken word piece on singleness.

We spoke briefly at a group gathering at a ROSCOE’s after the event that same night. I had no plans of seeing him again. Shortly after, the church I went to merge with another. Upon merging, who did I see walking up to do the scripture reading during the first church service? I thought to myself, ”This guy again?”

My first attraction to him was the passion and conviction he had when he read the scripture. I thought and laughed to myself, “Look at this guy reading the bible like he reads it daily!”
Shortly after, Matthew expressed his interest in me. I totally thought it was a joke and laughed so hysterically in that Starbucks.

When I saw he wasn’t laughing, I realized he was actually very serious. He proceeded to tell me he prayed about this for a year before even approaching me. He showed me a journal where he had been taking notes on my character, what people I considered close had to say about me, the things I said in interviews online, things he admired, and areas he felt I needed to grow.

For me, none of that mattered. I would not give him the time of day first and foremost because he was younger than me. I let him know it was really sweet of him, but the answer to being pursued was a no. He then asked if I would pray about it. I said yes to praying but had no intention of praying for someone I wasn’t interested in.

From that moment on, Matt began to climb the long, hard, cutting, dangerous, slippery slope mountain of my mind — consumed with daddy issues, disappointment, and the buried pain of physical/verbal/sexual abuse.

I truly expected him to leave, but he remained consistent and patient. But, let’s not allow me to play the victim here. His presence also exposed sin in my life like never before. Surrounded by people saying great things, he was a voice amongst the crowd saying “Because I love you I want to ask if you’re aware of this sin in your life?”

Through the relationship, I saw resentment, selfishness, anger, pride, and in some cases, I was simply straight up mean. I never met a man so patient and loving towards me, even when he got nothing in return. That reminded me of Christ.

BMWK: What Is Your Advice For Single Women Who Desire To Be Married?

Janette: Ladies, there is nothing wrong with having the desire to get married. However, when that desire supersedes God’s will for your life, there lies the root of sin — (that) pride of thinking we know what’s best for our lives over the will of our perfect, loving, sovereign God.

BMWK: Why Is It Important For Women To Wait On Their “When God Said Yes” Moment?

Janette: It is significant to understand that in waiting on your “When God Said Yes” moment, He already said yes
– when He chose to send His Son Christ as the one true and perfect sacrifice for the salvation and redemption of our souls.

If you do not understand or do not stay in awe of this lofty love first, all relationships will become an idol. Lastly, remember you said yes. So, if God does not give you a “yes” in the area of relationship in this lifetime, you can look to the cross and say “God, thank you, for you have already given me all I will ever need” (Matthew 6:10).


Here’s the famous poem of Janette Ikz, I Will Wait For You:

Janette Ikz did not expect to marry someone she was not really interested in. It was all God’s plan for her and her husband. Her advice was truly divine that you can learn a lot from. Just wait for that “When God Said Yes” moment and have faith, and you’ll be grateful for what God has planned for your love story.

BMWK, how do you know God said yes? Share your thoughts in the comments section!

Up Next: Power Couple Marc Clarke & Allison Seymour’s

Editor’s Note – This post was originally published on August 19, 2015, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

“When God Said Yes” is Nikki’s first book discussing a woman’s journey from rejection to total trust in God’s timing for love. Click here for more information.

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