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4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Spend Valentine’s Day with Someone You Aren’t Really THAT Into

Okay, I get it; people have mixed feelings about Valentine’s Day. Some think it’s overrated while others love the celebration of love. I find it funny though how, many times, the people who find it overrated are usually the people who are either going through their single season or aren’t really that in love with their mate at the moment.

Well, whether you think it’s overrated or not, spending this day with someone is kinda a big deal so you might want to think twice about inviting someone out for Valentine’s Day that you aren’t serious about! Here are a few reasons why.

If you show up empty handed it might get awkward.

Whether we like it or not Valentine’s Day usually comes with the expectation of some sort of gift. You might not be seriously into the person you’re dating so you might not see a need to bring a gift to dinner or wherever you are meeting.

You think it’s cool but then the other person shows up with a gift for you…can you say AWWWWKWAAARRRD! You don’t want your night to start on a bad foot over a card and box of chocolates…but it probably will!

They might get the wrong idea about how “into” them you are.

Maybe you’re only going out with the person because you were free that evening or you were lonely. Maybe you just wanted some company and wanted to keep it casual. Well that sounds all good, but you forgot that Valentine’s Day is a day for lovers.

So, oddly enough, that person might just think that you went from casually seeing each other to IN LOVE! Maybe that’s a stretch but this isn’t…going out with someone on this day could make one think that you are into him or her even if you aren’t…then when you say it’s just casual YOU will end up looking like the bad guy…or gal!

You might just end up in a social media medley you’re not sure you want to be a part of.

It’s the age of social media and everybody wants everyone else to know that they weren’t lonely on Valentine’s Day. You didn’t even see it happen, but next thing you know, you’re all over Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook and you might even be live streaming on periscope and don’t even know it. Now, in a matter of hours, you went from “it’s complicated” to “in a relationship!” You don’t want these problems!

There may be “next level” expectations for intimacy.

Like I said earlier, Valentine’s Day is for lovers. So most people expect some LOVING at the end of the night. You might have high expectations of a hot and steamy “night cap” and one of two things might happen:

Okay, okay, okay. Some of these may have been slightly exaggerated, but it’s really not a good idea to fill a void with someone you aren’t THAT into, especially on Valentine’s Day.

Even if you don’t want to be alone that night, at least protect the other person’s heart and pride and stay away on that day. This is truly one of the main lessons in love. Save THAT day for someone you REALLY want to have a connection with, and you can avoid the headaches we just discussed!

BMWK, who will you be hanging out with this Valentine’s Day?

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