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Singles: 3 Ways to Make the Most of the Holidays

It’s that special time of the year again, when the holidays come and bring people, family and friends together. For singles, however this time of the year can be a reminder of their singleness. This time of the year is not a time for you be nagged by family about why you’re single, getting jealous over friends’ social media posts, or being bored! We have to remember something when it comes to the holidays, they are what you make them to be. That’s right, you have a choice when it comes to celebrating holidays, whether you choose tradition or blaze your own path, and making the most of this special time of the year. Here are a few suggestions to get you thinking of ideas to enjoy your singleness and this holiday season:

Remix holiday traditions: We grow up on traditions from the family gatherings to attending church services as a family, but you don’t have to stick to the same program every year. For instance, you can switch things up and host a party at your place this year and host it your way. From game nights to movie nights, you can choose the theme and enjoy the company that you invite to join you. Introduce new and fun things for the kids in your life to do without technology, to remind them of those golden days without cell phones and tablets. Traditions are fine, but you have the chance to incorporate some creativity and add a refreshing change for family and friends to enjoy.

Plan and enjoy a getaway: The holidays are stressful for anyone, including singles, so don’t you deserve a little time for rest and relaxation? You can plan a weekend getaway with a few single friends and enjoy each other’s company in another city, state or country! As a single you have the opportunity to pave your own way and do what best represents you during the holidays. If you want to have a spa day with all the ladies in your family, put one together. If you want to go to the Caribbean with your crew for Christmas or New Years, plan it out and go! One year I left cold Chicago to visit southern Florida to spend time with my mom and had zero worries about posting a poolside selfies on Christmas. You are an individual with your own life and in this single season you can afford to do what you may have always wanted to do, happily and unapologetically.

Acts of service: Giving is the biggest way to show love all year round and especially during the holiday seasons. You don’t even have to give gifts, for your service of love and kindness can go a lot further. You can watch family or friends’ kids the day after Thanksgiving or some other time to let their parents go shopping, collect and give donations to the homeless, spend time with elderly at senior homes and centers, etc. Think about what you like to do and then offer yourself as a volunteer in that arena to give joy to someone else as a gift to them. Some of the best gifts don’t cost you much but your time and yet it does so much for someone else. That’s what the holiday season should refocus on instead of buying material things: to physically/mentally be present and serving in love.

There are plenty of other ideas that you can go with, but again, it’s your option to enjoy the rest of the year on your terms. From a remix to relaxation and service, there are so many ways to enjoy the holidays as a single.

BMWK fam: what are your plans for the holidays? What are some things that you’ve always wanted to do?

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