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The 1 Quality You’re Missing in the Search for a Man Worth Marrying

Since I am married and a male, I love to take time to examine which qualities make me an ideal husband to my wife and father to my daughter. When I think about the general qualities and characteristics of what most women would deem a “good man,” so many things come to mind.

Here is a list to give you some ideas:

  1. Godly
  2. Leadership
  3. Honesty
  4. Communicator
  5. Trustworthy
  6. Sincere
  7. Passionate
  8. Hard worker
  9. Visionary
  10. Good listener

After looking at my life, I was able to locate one core quality, which has had the most impact in helping me develop into a good man but also keeping me one.

And the list could seriously continue. But from looking at the list above, I think most people would agree that these are the 10 most essential characteristics—all of which play a huge part in the making of a good man.

But I believe another one should also make the list. After looking at my life, I was able to locate one core quality, which has had the most impact in helping me develop into a good man but also keeping me one. That quality is accountability.

A man worth marrying is a man who is both accountable to and (to a degree) submitted to someone else other than God. It’s someone who will listen to direction, correction and encouragement from others—whether inside the home or out.

Every man should have people in his life whom he is accountable to—an upward influence (mentor, pastor, etc), a lateral influence (friends) or a younger influence (mentee). Each is important in helping a man stay balanced and also to continue to be the best for his wife and family.

Being submitted to others has kept me humble and also focused my priorities as a husband.

My pastor has full right in my life to correct me if he sees me doing anything below the standard expectation. I have always been a very teachable person, and I can tell you now it has opened more doors for me than I can count. But, by me having these relationships in my life, it has given my wife a place of security to know if I went off the deep end in any way, she isn’t alone in trying to get me help. I have others in my life, who care about my well being as well and will keep me accountable for my character.

Being submitted to others has kept me humble and also focused my priorities as a husband. I began to practice a life of submission before I got married, so once I did get married those skills played right into my marriage. My wife doesn’t have to worry about me being too prideful to listen to her. I value her input and it makes our marriage a team effort versus a dictatorship.

A man who is accountable to others and is teachable is a man who is on his way to being a man worth marrying.

BMWK, what key characteristics do you look for in your search for a man worth marrying?

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