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The Lazy Natural: Chic Head Wrap Looks (How-to Videos)

A few weeks ago I shared a couple of snaps of myself rockin’ one of my favorites ‘hairstyles’, the head wrap. People often ask me how I wrap my scarves.  One particularly insensitive coworker once asked “Your head wraps… how the hell do you do that?” After which he began to explain to me how “civilized” Indian tribes adorned their heads… *insert blank stare here*. Strange and slightly racist encounter aside, I’m always happy to explain (and sometimes show) people how I achieved a particular style of wrap.

While I could lie to you and say I started wearing head wraps because they’re super chic (and they are), I’ll tell the truth.

I’m lazy.

When it comes to doing my hair, I pretty much go the route of Sweet Brown, “Ain’t nobody got time for that!” When I first went natural a few years ago, I had a good loooong run of PJ’ism (product junkie), hand-in-hair syndrome and the like.

After a while, that got old, I got bored/overwhelmed with all this dang hair and chopped it off. Short hair is less work, but it’s still work y’all. These head wraps come in mighty handy on the days when I. Just. Can’t.

I pretty much get all of these wrap ideas from the lovely ladies of YouTube so I won’t reinvent the wheel. Here are some of my favorite head wrap tutorials:
Jamaican beauty, Ms. Lyric is serving up all kinds of Fab in this video. *fans self*

Ms. Taren hooked me up with some wrap styles for the awkward “in between” hair length stages. These wrap styles are perfect when you wanna fake a good hair day and leave a lil’ out.

Ambrosia rocks one of my fave wrap styles
So there you have it. A lazy naturals secrets to looking cute 🙂 These styles will work for anyone, natural, relaxed, transitioning, long hair or short. Just remember to keep your hair protected under the wrap with a satin bonnet or scarf and don’t forget to keep it moisturized. Happy wrappin’!

BMWK: Do you wear head wraps? What are some of your go to styles? Share in the comments!


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