My husband keeps hounding me about what I want for Mother’s Day (a good problem to have, I think). And I honestly don’t know. Yeah, I’d like breakfast in bed or a new pair of shoes or maybe, just maybe a new purse.
But I guess I’ve gotten to the point where Mother’s Day doesn’t mean as much to me as it used to. Perhaps I feel like I’m more aware of my own power as a mom. I’m more aware of when I need those breaks, so I’m not clamoring for a break come the second Sunday in May like I used to. I still love the fact that there’s a day dedicated to the hard work that mothers do day in and day out. So I thought about it and this is what I want as a mom. Some might be unrealistic. LOL I want”...
- My kids to call out for their father AT LEAST every other time they want something. Why on earth do they walk PAST their father on the couch to ask me for something? Let’s stop the foolishness.
- A freely offered foot massage at the end of a long day without me having to ask.
- The energy to hurl myself out of bed at least 45 minutes before the children wake up so I can go for a run and it’s not tortuous.
- At least one Saturday a month where I can go shopping for an item for myself without a) the children or b) thinking about buying something for the children.
- Enough money in the bank to hire a housecleaner.
Like I said, some of these might not be so realistic. (Looking at you #5 *sigh*) But it’s good to dream.
All my moms out there – what’s on your “dream Mother’s Day” list? Any of my items look familiar?