It’s Woman’s History month, and although I typically don’t need a designated month to encourage me to celebrate anything, this month does make me reflect on all the phenomenal women in my life. From friends to cousins to public figures and more, I have recently been thinking a lot about the many women who have done so much to bring me to where I am today. These are women who … [Read more...]
I Had to Tell Myself that I am a Great Mom. Here’s Why…
Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." For years, I questioned this scripture. I just didn't see how it was going to manifest in my life. I questioned my parenting skills and I wondered if I would ever be a great mom. After all, I was pregnant with my 1st child, Gabi, at 19-years-old. As a single mom, I went … [Read more...]
5 Bad Habits Parents Need to Kick to the Curb in the New Year
I have two kids and one on the way. I am not a perfect mom; far from it. I make mistakes daily. Sometimes, they are tiny, so I just dust them off and keep it moving. But sometimes, those damn mistakes make it hard for me to fall asleep at night. I stay up wondering if I did the right thing… if I made the right call. But I try my best to not let it get to me too much. No one … [Read more...]
5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Lose Yourself in Motherhood
I always wanted to be a mom. Since I was a child, I dreamed about nurturing another human being and helping them create a happy life. Recently, my 5-year-old son was sharing his dreams of being an astronaut, rock star, and soldier, when my 3-year-old daughter jumped in and said, “mommy, I am going to be a mommy and live in a rainbow house when I grow up.” She had the … [Read more...]
5 Critical Tips to Raising Respectful Kids
It never fails. Whenever I'm out and about with my kids, people are always commenting about how well-behaved and loving they are. While I like to think this is the norm, I'm told time and time again that it's not. Recently, I shared a Periscope broadcast on 10 easy tips for moms to recharge, reconnect and FLY (First Love Yourself). Tips eight and nine were all about setting … [Read more...]
Moms: Stop Pulling Out Your Hair and Crying in the Bathroom with These 3 Peaceful Parenting Tips
Have you ever had a week that is so crazy, finding the energy to manage all the things you have to do as a parent seems challenging? I know. I have been there. Raising children is such a blessing, but it certainly is a responsibility that forces us to rise to the occasion time and time again. What our children need doesn’t vary based on how we feel or what we are going … [Read more...]
Take the Motherhood Pledge TODAY: Stop Judging, Start Supporting
A few years ago, I posted about how I felt completely unable to be “me” and a mother. I was unraveling, trying to reach my personal goals while being everything to everyone, and I was struggling. I wrote that post in fear of the backlash that I would receive, but at the time, what I needed more than anything was to be honest. I was surprised in that moment how many women spoke … [Read more...]
11 Things I Wish I Knew About Motherhood Before Having Kids
Since becoming a mother, almost five years ago, I have learned more than I ever anticipated. Going into this, I knew I would learn a ton about parenting. After all, there is no manual and you figure things out as you go along. What I didn’t expect is how much I would learn about myself. Motherhood has brought all my flaws to light—in a very beneficial way—and it has forced me … [Read more...]
Motherhood and Balance Don’t Mix: Here’s Why
Balance. Balance. Balance. When it comes to being a mother, whether you work outside of the home, work at home or are a stay-at-home mother, the question of balance comes up over and over again. Work-life balance. What exactly is that? This past weekend I had the honor of attending and sitting in on a panel at the Moms As Entrepreneurs Conference, to talk about strategies in … [Read more...]
14 Questions You Should Never Ask a Mom
As moms fight daily to do the absolute best we can for our children, there are just so many...politically incorrect questions that people ask of us all of the time. Pregnant, newbie or veteran mom, some questions are just awkward and shouldn't be asked. Check out these 14 questions that you just shouldn't ask a mom: 1. You're not getting much sleep are you? If she's a new … [Read more...]
10 Signs You’re No Longer a Newbie Mom: Does this Sound Familiar?
Motherhood is a beautiful thing, it really is. And when you're no longer a "newbie mom" on the block, it's even better. By the time you have a second or third (or more) child, you get into a groove and a system that works for you. You're no longer spending hours worrying or researching on WebMD about a cough or runny nose. You're not frantically calling the doctor for every … [Read more...]
10 Obvious Signs of a Newbie Mom; Does this Sound Familiar?
Now that I have almost seven years of motherhood under my belt, I often laugh when I think about the things I sweated about when I was a newbie mom. Of course, it's amusing now because we look at the things we did or had to have for our first born, that we didn't even think about or realize we didn't do with our third born. When we found out we were pregnant with our first … [Read more...]
Motherhood & Success: You Don’t Have to Choose
This past weekend, I got to celebrate my daughter's third birthday. When I think back three years ago to what success as a mother meant to me then versus now, it's actually evolved over time. Some people don't believe that motherhood and success can go hand-in-hand. Some may argue that once you become a mom, you have to put all of your dreams and goals on hold, or worse, forget … [Read more...]
My Other Mothers: 8 Women that Helped to Raise Me
When I sit and think about all of the women who have nurtured me and raised me to be the awesome chick that I am today it does not stop with just my mother. I am a product of MANY mothers. You see, throughout my life there have been many women who have voluntarily stepped in to mentor me, to guide me, to protect me and even to just listen to me. I call this group of women my … [Read more...]
5 Reasons Moms Lose Their Sanity and How You Can Keep Yours
This past weekend, I got to do something I rarely get to do but love to do...go out dancing. I went out to celebrate a good friend's birthday, and it was so fun to get dressed up to hang out with some great friends. Usually when I take time to hang out with my girlfriends, it's set around food and usually low key. But I love dancing and was so grateful that my hubby made sure … [Read more...]