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Why Are You Single?

by Angela Fitzgerald,

Any single person will eventually be asked the question “Why are you single?”  In my almost 31 years (the majority spent as a party of one), I’ve been asked that question so many times that I’ve lost track.  And I get it – from an outsider’s perspective if you are at least moderately attractive and carry yourself somewhat decently, then you should be attached.

Not fitting into this social norm raises questions, though for some it’s clear that they’re simply trying to determine what’s wrong with you.  For that audience, I have developed quite the arsenal of snarky comebacks that I keep on hand for when the spirit moves me.  But snark aside, I wanted to write this article to the former group of curious onlookers, as well as those singletons who themselves have a hard time coming to terms with their single status.  I convened a team of my single compadres to get their reasons for why they are single, as well as what it would take for that status to change.  Here is what they had to say:

Why are you single?

Why would you turn in your single card?

Bottom line, being single is amazing, as is being in relationship with someone you genuinely love.   Whatever your reasons for choosing the path of singleness or coupledom, I hope that your path leads you to happiness and contentment.  And to those of you who are single and not quite sure how to explain to others when they ask “Why?”, do this: Say nothing, hold your head high, and put every ounce of your time and energy into pursuing your purpose.  The resulting joy and fulfillment that you reflect will speak for itself….and who knows, it may just attract that special someone 😉

BMWK – how would you answer the question: “Why are you single?”

Angela Fitzgerald is a blogging enthusiast who covers as a social science and policy researcher by day.  She is passionate about encouraging others to pursue their passions, and you can catch her writing about things that motivate and humor her, as well as random occurrences in her life, at  

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