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Why I Would Love to See Black Boys Rock

I may be a little bit out of touch and not aware of the resources and options provided to young black boys. My husband and I were blessed with the responsibility of raising two beautiful daughters. So quite naturally I am more in tune with all of the opportunities that benefit them. I am always excited and anxious whenever there is a television program, magazine or event created for the sole purpose of empowering black women and girls.

There is no greater need, currently, than one that encourages love, acceptance and pride in our community. More often than not the images of us are negative and stereotypical. I am excited about the love that black women are receiving and displaying for one another. It is long overdo. My girls have been able to participate in a wide range of activities even those that may have originally been considered more male focused. My daughters are also able to look around our home and see beautiful visions of a wide variety of black women on my Essence, Ebony and Oprah magazine covers. When my girls watch TV, during the weekends, they are also able to see young black girls in lead roles on certain programs like A.N.T. Farm, Doc McStuffins and How To Rock.

I hope this is just an oversight on my part. But our young black boys need to experience that exact same love, acceptance and pride. They need to know their opportunities are also endless. We need to empower them as well and open their eyes to the fact that there are numerous other careers outside of being an athlete or musician. They also need to see black men in other roles and not just what’s seen on TV. One thing we have to remember is that while we are empowering our beautiful black girls it is our young black boys they will end up with, marry and create a family with. Wouldn’t we rather they both be uplifted and encouraged?

I am so grateful for Black Girls Rock! It is necessary because our women have been torn down for so long. We absolutely needed this rebuilding and confirmation of just how truly amazing we are. Our young black boys also need a rebuilding. It seems as though some may have gotten comfortable and have even accepted the labels they have been given. The truth is we love them too and they need saving. My wish would be for the programs that do exist to speak a little louder; highlight and promote it, the same way we do for our young black girls. I love when Steve Harvey promotes his Men’s Mentoring Weekend, I only wish there were more and happened more often. Our black boys need us, because they rock too.

BMWK, are you familiar with national resources/programs aimed at young black men? If so, please share.  

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