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Why I’m Glad I Changed My Last Name

It’s been eight months since I became a wife and changed my last name from Ford to Myricks. Initially, I was pretty hesitant. I had grown fond of my name. It was my identity, it was part of me, it was who I was. I wasn’t sure how I could remain the same person with a new last name. I had discussed with my now-husband how he would feel if I hyphenated my last name. He was completely okay with it. I tried it out, saying it out loud, writing it on papers, and I had decided it was the right decision. When it was time to fill out our paperwork on our marriage license, the clerk didn’t include my maiden name. I hesitated, but I signed anyways. I had dropped my maiden name and took on my husband’s last name.

It took a few months to change my name on things, and admittedly, I haven’t changed it on everything. I did change it on my driver’s license and social security card though, so legally, I am Mrs. Myricks. It feels great to me! It feels right, it sounds right (when people pronounce it correctly), and it makes me smile. I’m sure the giddiness will wear off eventually, but eight months into it, I still get butterflies. I’m happy with my decision.

Changing my last name represents so many things. My husband and I are now a family. Not only did I choose him, but he chose me. He felt that I was worthy enough to carry his last name and be his wife. That’s a feeling good enough to warm anyone’s heart. I’ll have his last name longer than I had my maiden name. It makes me that much more unique (I’m the only Briana Myricks I know of, but certainly wasn’t the only Briana Ford). It represents our union, our love, our covenant, our blessing. We’re not just a couple; we are one!

I understand women who are hesitant or even reluctant to change their last names. Some do it in honor of their father. Some do it because they have established their brand under their maiden name. Some people just don’t like how it sounds. I think I’ll be even more excited with my decision once we have children. We have the chance to start a legacy together.

Ladies, did you hesitate to change your name? Men, have you ever thought about taking on your wife’s last name?

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