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3 Reasons Why “Mr. Steal Your Grandma” is Winning and Proving Age Ain’t Nothing But a Number in Love

Feature | Reasons Why “Mr. Steal Your Grandma” is Winning and Proving Age Ain’t Nothing But a Number in Love | steal your grandma

Mr Steal Your Grandma is 54, wears skinny jeans, and his salt-and-pepper beard is taking the Internet by storm. It seems the ladies have fallen in love with the Houston native Irvin Randle, better known as #MrStealYourGrandma, after photos of the fit and fashionable hot grandpa of two grandchildren began trending online.

How Mr Steal Your Grandma Became An Online Sensation

In this article:

What Makes Randle Irresistible to Women

Word on the street is that he was last spotted at Essence Fest swarmed by women aged 18 to 80, who were scrambling to take a picture with him. I even polled my Facebook community to see if they’d be open to dating someone like him, and women as young as 25 said YES!

As a matchmaker and dating coach, I watched the frenzy around this 50-something-year-old man unfold with great interest for two reasons.

First, I work with women who are 50 and older, and some of whom have never been married before; I always hear about the challenges they face when attempting to find a partner. The men they meet are either too set in their ways, sickly, and want to sit around the house, or they’re getting out of a marriage and don’t want to settle down. Mr Steal Your Grandma shows there are men who are fit, fine, and young at heart in their 50s!

Second, I work with women in their 40s, and I often encourage them to open their dating pool to men in their 50s because many of their peers are looking for younger women. These sisters almost always tell me that older men remind them of their grandfathers, and they are reluctant to date them.

What to Learn from Irvin Randle to Become More Attractive

So what is it about Mr Steal Your Grandma that makes women say, “age ain’t nothing but a number?” And what can he teach singles who are 40 and above about dating, so it’s easier and more successful? There are three lessons I’d like to share from the perspective of a matchmaker.

1. Your Dating Photos Can Be A Dealbreaker

Mr Steal Your Grandma knows how to work those Instagram filters! People are falling in love with his photos, and it reveals what studies have been showing for quite some time. Your online dating photos (as well as the photos you post on your social media) can make or break you. Here are the stats:

As a matchmaker, I look at photos on a regular basis, and I have to use pictures of my clients to attract a match for them. As a result, I require my clients to get a professional photo shoot instead of using the bathroom selfie or picture from their latest cruise (where they cropped out their friends in the background). Remember, you only get three seconds to make a first impression online.

You can be a great catch, but if your photos are dim, fuzzy, or at the wrong angle, you can be ignored by the people who might otherwise find you attractive in real life.

2. Embrace Your Age and Stop Trying to Look Younger

Women are attracted to Mr Steal Your Grandma because he’s 54 years old, not because he’s trying to hide his age. I’ve watched women commenting on Mr. Randle’s photos who say, “There’s just something about a man with grey hair. He looks so distinguished!” In fact, he’s gotten more attention since he’s grown a beard! An earlier picture of a clean-shaven Irvin has resurfaced, and women are saying he looks better with the silver beard than he did with a smoother face.

You’d have better results in dating if you embraced your age and focused on the things that make you attractive. You’ll look confident and secure in yourself, and that is sexy!

3. Refresh Your Wardrobe

Mr Steal Your Grandma is a third-grade elementary school teacher as well as a grandfather, but you’d never know it by looking at his attire. In fact, he claims he has been dressing well in stylish outfits since he was a teen, and he used GQ magazine for inspiration. In a recent interview, he stated, “I’ve always dressed like this. I’ve just been wearing things a little tighter that’s all.”

While you definitely don’t need to try to look younger than you are in order to attract a date, you want to refresh your wardrobe, so you don’t look older than you really are. I’ll tell you what I tell my clients: Trade in those moo-moos for a great maxi dress. And fellas, let go of that suit from the 70s, and embrace a more tailored look. I know you rocked it back in the day, but you don’t want to come across as the Original Playa from The Himalyas!

Even if you think you dress well, it would be fun to take your wardrobe to the next level by hiring an image consultant and letting them upgrade you a bit.


Here’s a quick interview from ESSENCE with Mr Steal Your Grandma on how he went viral and achieved Internet fame:

With his dapper wardrobe and charismatic persona, it’s no wonder Mr Steal Your Grandma is a great eye candy, and that women have been having fun with the latest Internet sensation. Just remember that a person’s attractiveness is only there to get your attention. You need to go beyond the initial chemistry to discover if their character can sustain a relationship.

Single ladies, would you be open to dating an older man? And in other tactics, do you use to make yourself appear more interesting to dates? Let us know in the comments section below!

Up Next: 7 Ways to Bring Sex and Sexy Back to Your Marriage


Editor’s Note – This post was originally published on July 6, 2016, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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