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4 Reasons She May Not Submit to You

Have you ever wondered why there are no submissive women anymore, fellas? Ladies, have you been submitting to your man? Women submitting to men are often the common scenario before, but today, there are some factors affecting girlfriend submission, or worse, the wife submission.

Me: “We have been together for a long time, have I ever lead you wrong?”

Her: “Well (rolling her eyes slightly)… No.”

Me: “With that being said when I say I got it, then baby I got it. “

Her: (Pausing, then as she melts into submission) “Ok babe (blushing) ‘You got it’ ”

So let me bring you up to speed; that was the tail end of an argument that my wife and I had on a Friday night. What you don’t know though is I wasn’t just talking to an average woman. My wife is a beautiful, educated, bachelor degree and MBA-holding woman that makes more money than I do. Let me say that again, she makes more money than I do and not to mention she is also an undercover feminist.

Now, that wasn’t me bragging on my wife, that was just me letting you know that things aren’t easy as it seems. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why nowadays, there are men submitting to women instead of the other way around. If you find yourself in this situation, then it’s time to learn the other reasons why women don’t submit to men. Read on.

4 Reasons Why Submissive Women Don’t Submit to Men

In This Article:


Why Women Don’t Submit to Men Anymore

You hear women say all the time “well, I’m not submitting to anybody” and you hear the men always say “women don’t know how to submit anymore” and in this lies the disconnect! Now, ladies let me explain what I mean by “submission.”

The concept is simple: allow him to LEAD and TRUST his direction. Now, let me address the women’s’ point of view first. The new aged woman is no longer being raised to merely find a husband and bear children. She is being raised to be dynamic, independent, and unstoppable. Not to mention many women are growing up with no father or with what I call a “double dutch” father who likes to jump in and out of their lives.

Thus, setting up such a great example of what manhood really is. Oh, and let’s not forget that the first time she tried to one of the submissive women out there. It was probably with a boy, posing as a man, who manifested himself as an unreliable, irresponsible, unfaithful, BUM! Ladies, raise your hand if this sounds familiar. Now, after counting hands that explain the whole “well I’m not submitting to anybody” statement.

Now, fellas, this might get a little rough for you, but tough it out! When the fellas say “well women just don’t know how to submit anymore” my first question is always “well why should she?” I believe as men many of us have developed this entitlement mentality and it might be time to check ourselves. Fellas there are a few things that will decide whether or not she is willing to submit to you.

1. Dependability

Do you show up? Not when you feel like it, but when she needs you there? You can’t just be there sometimes. You need to be there most of the time. That means you need to be there for her physically and emotionally and she needs to know without a shadow of a doubt that if nobody else got her then her man got her.

2. Consistency

If you want your wife to submit to you, you have to build a track record. Also, you need to be consistent at being dependable, responsible, a provider, and a protector. You can’t quit 5 different jobs in a year just because you didn’t like it and think she is supposed to feel comfortable when you say “I got this.”

3. Confidence

She won’t believe you can do it if YOU don’t believe you can do it. Your aura must exude confidence. Not only will she find it sexy, but she will also find it reassuring.

4. Humility

You must be humble enough to know the limits of your abilities. Your humility will let her know that you won’t take her down a path of destruction because you know when to say “baby, I need help.”


Does having submissive women around makes relationships better? Find out if the quote “submissive wife, happy life” is true by watching this video from HLN:

Fellas, the ladies are more than willing to submit and become the submissive women you want. They really want to be vulnerable in their love for you, but it’s not just something you get. It’s something you must earn. Now, ladies when you find a man that has earned that right through his action, then trust that he has your best interest at heart and learn to sit back, relax, and submit.

BMWK — Get involved in the discussion. What are your views on the concept of submission in a marriage?
Up Next: 5 Areas of Submission in Marriage Every Relationship Needs to Succeed


Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on February 7, 2013, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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