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5 Ingredients For a Happier Life

Life is not perfect. You will have ups and downs, good times and bad times. It’s just a fact of life. If you are waiting for the day that everything in your life will be 100% perfect all of the time, then you may be waiting for a long time.

I have a great life…I am truly blessed. However, there are things going on all of the time that could actually have me depressed constantly if I let them. If I sit here and think about all of the negative things that happen, I would never be happy.

Today the AC went out and leaked water all over the ceiling” now we have to get the AC fixed and the walls. College tuition is due for our son in 2 weeks and at the same time school starts for the other 3 kids. And I could go on and on and on. But guess what”...I am blessed and I know it.

But how do you deal with life’s blows and still maintain a happy life?

I was watching a movie at the World of Coke this week where they shared the 5 ingredients for happiness. I thought they were on point and jotted them down:

Stay Active! Studies show that staying active improves your chances of living a longer healthier life and it reduces stress. I know for a fact that getting my blood flowing via exercise always makes me feel better and gives me a much needed distraction. However it does not have to be exercise. Just get up and start doing something. Don’t sit around wallowing in sorrow, grief, depression, guilt, or regrets. Get up, get out of the house and take some action towards making a better life for yourself and towards being happy!!

Live in the now. The past is gone so don’t sit around reliving it. Love the life that you have now. Be present now and enjoy the blessing that you have now.

Be curious. Try out new things. if something is bothering you, study it, take a class, read a book. Open yourself up to new experiences and learn something new that can change the course of your life.

Share with others. Be giving. The gifts that you can receive from giving to others are priceless. I know for a fact that sharing and giving to others will make you happier than you will ever imagine.

Be together. Spending time with family and friends will bring you joy. Don’t isolate yourself from others. Do something with your spouse, your kids, and your siblings today that will bring you joy and create lasting memories.

When I heard this recipe, I could instantly relate as I have used all of those ingredients to obtain happiness. I have been there” unhappy with my life that I could hardly breath. But my situation did not change on it’s own. I started exercising, being appreciative for the things that I had, I started doing things with my son and connecting with my family again, and I started attending church consistently and working in the church. I also volunteered at my son’s school every Friday. Through all of those actions, I was able to find peace and happiness and I was able to see clearly on what I needed to do to change my circumstances.

And to this date if anything get’s me down ,I do any combination of the things listed above to get me motivated again.

If you are unhappy, consider doing something today towards finding happiness. Don’t depend on/ wait on others to make you happy. You are responsible for you own happiness”...even in your marriage.

BMWK ““Can you think of additional ingredients? Do you know of a person that might need this recipe…they have a lot to be thankful for, but can’t seem to find happiness?

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