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Conflict Resolution; 3 Reasons Why She May Be Nagging You

angry couple mad at each other bad relationship advice

What is that crazy woman’s problem? She just wants to nag nag nag… while all you hear is womp womp womp. I mean seriously, does she really think all of this talking is getting her anywhere? Ain’t nobody got time for that. She needs to give you your peace and let you be. The world does not revolve around her but she always wants talk at all the wrong times (while you’re trying to sleep, eat, watch TV, have sex, and anything else you enjoy). Why can’t she understand you don’t like to be bothered like that. What could possibly be causing this woman to never shut it up?

You aren’t really listening – When your woman starts talking she wants your attention. Not some of it but your full attention. By being pre-occupied by other things she may feel insulted, neglected, or less valued by whatever it is you deem too important to turn away from at that moment. When this is a consistent pattern of behavior it can really get under her skin and out of frustration she will talk your ear off until you give her what she wants. In many cases, if you would just properly acknowledge her and give her your attention then that would satisfy her needs and she would be willing to give you back your sanity.  

You don’t do what you say – A woman wants to know she can count on you. That she can expect for you to keep your word and handle business when needed. Every time you tell her you’re going to “take care of it” and you don’t; well you have just opened the door to her nagging the crap out of you next chance she gets. Your inability to take action makes it hard for her to trust your words and sit by patiently for you to finally do it. Instead, it allows her to validate in her mind that she needs to constantly remind you or it will never be done. Learn how to back up your talk with actions. Being more consistent in that regard will go a long way towards bringing you and her more peace of mind.

There are unresolved issues – In some instances you may feel that you’re doing what you’re supposed to do. That you are listening and have made every effort to always keep your word. Yet you still find yourself feeling overwhelmed because your woman continues to come at you in a negative manner. Chances are, a deeper issue exists that isn’t being properly addressed. You may have done something to her previously that hurt her. Maybe it has nothing to do with you but outside factors have put her in a bad place. One way or another she isn’t happy and she is taking her frustration out on you. Don’t feed into the negativity. Don’t dismiss her as “crazy” and attempt to ignore her and her behavior. Take a positive approach to trying to uncover the issue and addressing it with her. Don’t fight fire with fire, fight it with love and you will see much better results. Always consider how you may be contributing to the issue.

Take a moment to self evaluate and embrace improving in areas that may be having a negative impact on your relationship. Effective communication is always needed to move things in a better direction. None of us are perfect but as men we should always strive to be better and set an example of the positive approach and behavior needed in all of our relationships.

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