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Couples: Here’s Why Laughter Is The Best Medicine

My husband and I are always laughing.  We are always joking around.  Always clowning.  We have our own secret sick sense of humor and it works for us.   Humor is a big part of our relationship.  He is always making me laugh.  I can’t stay mad at him for too long because if something funny happened I have to tell him about it, which means I have to talk to him, which means we can’t be mad.

It only takes one look from him in the perfect space and at the perfect time to have my knees buckling.   And his laugh… oh my goodness, when something tickles his funny bone you better move out of the way because he might just fall on you.  Yes, he falls out when he laughs really hard.  Sometimes I am not even humored by what he might of just said.  Sometimes I am laughing AT him and not WITH him.

It doesn’t just stop with us, our children are all characters too.  When we are all together at the same time, all you will hear is roaring laughter.  Everyone is a comedian!  I’ve played some pretty awful pranks on him…. but believe me he drew the line when I laid on the floor and pretended to be dead that one time.

Don’t get me wrong.  We are serious when we need to be serious.  His goofy antics won’t get him out of everything nor will my stale jokes and inappropriate comments.  But what we have learned after being married for 13 years is that laughter has been our major therapy.  Laughing got us through hard times.  It got us through rough days.  It got us through me losing my job and him losing his mother. It seems like once you can laugh at a difficult situation you take the negative energy from it, which allows you to easily get past whatever bump is in the road.  I am not alone in my thinking.  According to there are many benefits to a good laugh

Laughter relaxes the whole body. A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.

My husband is my friend.  I’ve known him for over 20+ years.  We were young together and we are finding much humor in growing old together.  If you can’t enjoy a good laugh with your mate then who can you laugh with?  Laughing won’t solve problems but it can sure help you calm down a little so that you can navigate through them.  

BMWK – Is humor important in your relationship?

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