The relationship between my wife and I was a long distance one for our entire courting and engagement season. There is good news and bad news about being in a long distance relationship. The good news is you are forced to learn how to communicate. The bad news is you only see each other every so often. But, because of the distance, conversation starters came somewhat easy. I … [Read more...]
The Top 10 Marriage Articles that Blessed Couples the Most in 2015
As we close out 2015 we’re reflecting on all the content you’ve come to know and love over the past year. Here are the top 10 articles our couples loved and read the most. Enjoy! #1) These 4 Things Are a Beast in the Bedroom and Your Husband Wants Them All Sex is the greatest opportunity to serve your spouse in a selfless way, and the same for your spouse to do for you. … [Read more...]
Are These 5 Marriage Vows Hazardous To Your Relationship?
Marriage today is tricky. It seems as if many have lost sight of the meaning and purpose of marriage and only view it as a relationship of convenience instead of a covenant with God. Many individuals want to get married. However, their desire stems from wrong motives such as loneliness, a need for daily assistance, financial responsibilities, or the next item on their bucket … [Read more...]
How Minimalism Can Solve Your Debt Problems For Good
We all have our Kriptonite when it comes to impulse shopping and buying more than we need or even want. For me, as a self-proclaimed brown girl bibliophile introvert, I can’t pull myself from Amazon without spending at least $50. A sweet circuit of joy courses through me when I come home and find those boxes in my mail box or if they are too big, leaning against my door. But … [Read more...]
2 Specific Actions that Led Me to My Wife
We are told as believers to be patient, and WAIT on God regarding the coming of our spouses, but waiting is literally one of the most challenging things to do in our day and time. I didn't date much during my high school and college years, simply because I saw it as a time for me to develop my relationship with God. Also, because my pastor made it very clear to me, that I … [Read more...]
Money Monday: The 5 Tough Money Questions You Must Ask Your Spouse for Financial Success
Money issues can drive a searing hot wedge between any couple, disrupting marital harmony in the process. That’s why it’s crucial for couples to protect their marriage by having honest discussions concerning finances before problems arise. Yet, according to a Country Financial Security Index survey, 42% of couples did not even bother to discuss how they would handle their … [Read more...]
FREE Couples Webinar: My Spouse is a Line Crosser – How to Set Boundaries Within and Around Your Marriage on Tuesday, March 17th
Do you think that because you are married that anything goes? Meaning, you can say what you want or do what you want to your spouse without them feeling some sort of way? Not true! In this months webinar we will visit the topic of My Spouse is a Line Crosser - How to Set Boundaries Within and Around Your Marriage. Although you're married, there are some things you just don't do … [Read more...]
The Number One Thing a Married Couple Needs from Each Other, Part 1
Ephesians 5:33-Neverthless let each one of you in particular love his own wife as himself and let the wife see that she respects her husband. That is an interesting scripture about marriage that is actually what spouses really need from each other. I’m not saying husbands don’t want love and wives don’t want respect, but it seems that the priority of two complement each other. … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Move on When He Has Chosen Another
As a woman, maybe you've been there, maybe you haven't. But occasionally some of us have experienced the rejection of having a man choose another woman instead of you. Sometimes he may choose her as his girlfriend and sometimes he may choose her as his wife. Either way, it wasn't you and his selection has been made clear. So there you are left to wonder why. Why did he … [Read more...]
3 Simple But Powerful New Year’s “Resolutions” Couples Need Every Year!
by Charli Penn It’s that time of year again. You know, the one when we all make loads of promises to ourselves (and each other) that we rarely intend to keep. I actually hate the word “resolutions” because I’m personally way more successful when I set “goals” and a “vision” for the year ahead. Words are powerful. Resolutions are made to be broken. Goals keep us motivated and … [Read more...]
4 Couples Rituals Happy Couples Use to Stay Spicy
Relationships are always changing and growing as each person grows and shifts into their purpose. Staying connected with rituals is worth investing in to maintain healthy relationships. Without rituals it is easy to feel distant or separate from our partner. Here are few rituals that have helped my clients reconnect and spice up their relationships. 1. List the Good - Each … [Read more...]
Why You Need A Date Night in the Next Two Weeks
One of the things a couple can do to ensure they keep their relationship fresh and exciting is to schedule a weekly date night. This should be a standing appointment that couples make a firm commitment to keep. This standing weekly appointment should be the most important, respected, and valued event on your calendar. Keeping this commitment communicates to your partner that … [Read more...]
6 Things Happy Couples Do Often
Here are 6 things happy couples have in common and they do them often. It is no surprise that there are commonalities between happy couples. Each couple of course has their own way of doing things, yet and still there is a common thread between them. [imagebrowser id=275] … [Read more...]
Steve Harvey Helps a Married Couple Deal With the Wife’s Choice to Go Natural
In my article One Man Examines Why He Did Not Want His Wife to Go Natural, I covered a story about a man who had to deal with his own issues in order to accept his wife’s choice to wear her hair in its natural state. Talk Show host Steve Harvey delves into a similar issue on a recent show while talking to couple McClea and Love. In this episode, McClea and Love talk about … [Read more...]
Is It Bragging to Say You Love Your Spouse on Social Media?
I had no idea that professing ones love for their spouse on social networks would be frowned upon by others. In fact, sometimes it can totally piss people off. I have recently been made aware that some people do not appreciate this. I am told that married people who express their love this way are bragging, pretending to be perfect and/or must be fronting. This reaction … [Read more...]