As we close out 2015 we’re reflecting on all the content you’ve come to know and love over the past year. Here are the top 10 articles our couples loved and read the most. Enjoy!
#1) These 4 Things Are a Beast in the Bedroom and Your Husband Wants Them All
Sex is the greatest opportunity to serve your spouse in a selfless way, and the same for your spouse to do for you. Because men and women may see sex completely differently, Jamal Miller shares four things your husband really wants in the bedroom. Let us know your thoughts!
#2) Lucky 7: The Sex Secrets You Won’t Hear About in Church
In any sermon on marriage, you will hear the token things when it comes to sex. And while sex is important for a healthy marriage, Jamal Miller has found there are some sexual secrets you will rarely get from the pulpit. Here are his top 7 and keep the comments coming!
#3) 5 Nightly Bedtime Routines Couples Should Eliminate Immediately
In a marriage, routine sometimes comes with the territory. It’s so easy to become complacent and continuously do what feels comfortable and familiar. However, Tiya Cunningham-Sumter shares some habits, especially those involving the bedroom, couples must be willing to remove. Check them out and let us know if you agree or disagree.
#4) After 19 Years of Marriage, I’m Still Saving Myself for My Husband
This year, my husband and I will be celebrating 19 years of marriage. However, from our first “I do” to now, I’m realizing we were in love with the “idea” of love. Cassandra Paul opens up about how their union has been tested, tried, rocked and rolled. We want to know, can you relate?
#5) 5 Reasons Your Man is Tired of You and You Don’t Even Realize It
In some marriages, Troy Spry has heard women complain about all that is wrong with their men. But he’s noticed that some are completely oblivious to their man’s frustrations with her. He’s narrowed down a few common concerns that he hears from good men whose women are just about to push them over the edge. Are you one of them?
#6) Why Does My Man Always Want Sex? 6 Big Things Ladies Need to Know About Men and Sex
MEN LIKE SEX!! Men, before you start beating your chest and saying “YEAH!” and ladies before you start rolling your eyes and sucking your teeth, Troy Spry asks you to hear him out by opening your mind and seeking to understand. So, tell us what you think!
#7) The 6 Biggest Myths About Sex and Side Chicks: A Different View
Derek Q. Sanders tackles a sensitive topic that at any given moment can dominate a conversation on relationships. These days, there are certain age old view points that have earned the right to be challenged as our love and relationships mature. How many of us are still stuck believing these myths to be true?
#8) Terry & Rebecca Crews Did a 90 Day Sex Fast and You’ll Never Guess What Happened Next
Terry Crews is definitely one of Hollywood’s funniest and sexiest men. But there was nothing funny about the lessons he and his wife learned from a 90 day sex fast. Joann Fisher shares why, in a time when Hollywood’s every move focuses on sex, sex, and more sex, what they learned was so refreshing. Question is, could your relationship handle such a radical “no sex” move?
#9) 5 Really Good Ways to Make Your Spouse Fall in Love With You
Over time, relationships, in general, become routine. Sometimes they get boring and we lose interest. But, we have control over what happens in our marriage. We must decide that our love can’t grow old or get stale. Tiya Cunningham-Sumter gives some key ways to make your spouse fall in love with you again. Can you think of any others?
#10) Yes, Your Wife Loves Sex! But here are 5 Reasons You Ain’t Gettin’ None
WOMEN LIKE SEX!! Okay, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, Troy Spry shares that while you can be dog tired, stressed out, and would still jump her bones, most women aren’t built that way. So, here are a few things that could stop you from “gettin’ some.”
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