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Give Your Parenting Some Direction: What Are You Teaching Your Kids?

by Tara Pringle Jefferson

I want to be a capable mom.  I want my kids to know they can come to me for questions to life’s many answers, or when they just feel perplexed.

School issues? I’m there.

Friendship troubles? Come sit right here next to Mama. *taps  couch cushion*

I feel like I have so many lessons, so much I want to teach them. Many families come up with mission statements that define who they are as a family and gives them direction as they go forward.  I decided to come up with a list – nothing permanent, and definitely still expanding to encompass lessons they’ll need down the line.

These are just a few of the lessons I want to pass on to my kids ““ what are some of yours?

Tara Pringle Jefferson is a freelance writer, blogger and PR professional living in Ohio with her husband and two kids. She’s also Managing Editor of  Follow her on Twitter or check out  her blog for her insights on what it means to be a mom, wife, student, writer, and about three other labels she’s too tired to remember.

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