You never know what to expect in the dating game. It has it’s ups and downs, it’s challenges and it’s rewards. I have been blessed though. No, I have not found that special one yet, but I won’t complain. I’ve dated a few guys (nothing serious) and although romantic relationships weren’t in God’s plan for us, we remained friends. One of which is my best friend. How cool is … [Read more...]
Without Saying a Word: 5 Lessons My Children Will Learn from Watching My Marriage
I think our children learn far more from what they see than they will ever learn from what we tell them. You can express—until you turn blue in the face—how important it is to be in a relationship that’s loving, supportive and mutually respectful, but if you are not modeling that message, it can be lost on your child. If you are a single parent who just hasn’t found the … [Read more...]
6 Ways I Improved My Life in 2012
When the clock struck midnight on January 1, 2012, I declared it a “New year, New me”. I knew that 2012 had to be different, better, more amazing than 2011. I went through an insurmountable amount of stress and anxiety when I was working for my last corporate job & made a decision to never go back to that. At the time, I had a lot of anger and resentment. I knew I needed to … [Read more...]
Give Your Parenting Some Direction: What Are You Teaching Your Kids?
by Tara Pringle Jefferson I want to be a capable mom. I want my kids to know they can come to me for questions to life's many answers, or when they just feel perplexed. School issues? I'm there. Friendship troubles? Come sit right here next to Mama. *taps couch cushion* I feel like I have so many lessons, so much I want to teach them. Many families come up with … [Read more...]