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How One Harmless Joke Could Destroy Your Relationship

During my morning commute, I’m notorious for station surfing in an attempt to find a good news story or segment to listen to on the radio. Twice, I’ve landed on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. While waiting for a particular interview, I listened to Nephew Tommy’s Prank call.

The two prank calls I heard were mind blowing to say the least. I couldn’t believe I was hearing Nephew Tommy prank call a husband, insinuating that when the husband thought his wife was out of town, she was actually in town having an affair with another man. As you can imagine by the end of the call, the husband was livid. When Nephew Tommy revealed his identity and shared that his wife had requested the prank, the husband was near tears, stating “Oh my God you don’t know all the things that were going through my mind.” It took him a minute to catch his breath.

On a different occasion, Nephew Tommy pranked another husband, posing as his wife’s work husband. Asking her husband if he was happy with his wife. If not, they (work husband and his wife) could possibly get together. When Nephew Tommy revealed himself at the end of this call, the husband was speechless. It was complete silence on the air. Nephew Tommy explained that his brother-in-law pranked him. The husband was finally able to muster a chuckle, but in the same breath said, “Y’all play too much.”

I was floored by the nature of these pranks because infidelity is no laughing matter. You could hear the anger and pain in each of these men’s voices. One man put Nephew Tommy on hold and called his wife from another phone cursing her out on her voicemail. Can you imagine what went through their minds? Or the pain and heart sinking disappointment that their marriage was in jeopardy? I’m surprised that infidelity prank calls are allowed on the show, considering Steve Harvey’s focus is on positive relationships.

But more importantly why would a wife think that it’s funny to prank call her husband regarding her possible infidelity? Why would a brother-in-law; I am assuming with the approval of his sister, feel that it’s okay to prank call his brother-in-law? In everything we do, especially in our relationships, we have to be careful of the seeds we sow. As the one husband stated, “All the things that were going through my mind.” Can you imagine what he was thinking? You never know someone’s deepest insecurities or the issues they’ve encountered in their past. The one button you push as a joke could be the very thing that could possibly take someone over the edge.

In every area, treat people the way you want to be treated. If the shoe were on the other foot, and a woman called their phones implying infidelity, do you think these wives would be laughing? You reap what you sow, so ask yourself what are you sowing in your relationships. In relationships, especially you must choose your battles wisely. Relationships are challenging enough. Don’t spark a match and start an unnecessary fire; your relationship may not be able to recover.

I pray this isn’t the case, but what started out as a joke could have a snowball effect. Since the prank call occurred do you believe that either of these husbands are going to be able to laugh this off and move forward in their relationships? Or do you think in the back of their minds they will question their wives whereabouts, phone calls, etc.? This might seem minute to some, but a door of mistrust and deception was opened in these relationships, all from an unnecessary prank.  Ask yourself, at what point do the games end and the growth and maturity of your relationship begin?  I don’t know the motive behind the calls. I don’t know the type of relationship the couples have. However, this is a good teachable lesson be it single or married.

If you are serious about your relationships, don’t play games or sow seeds of deception, dysfunction, discord or strife. Instead sow seeds of love, unity, trust and loyalty.  This is the only way your relationships will grow and mature into what you desire them to be.

BMWK, what seeds are you sowing in your relationships?

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