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How to Make Up After a Blow Up with Your Spouse

Disharmony is never pleasurable. I don’t know anyone who looks forward to disagreeing with their spouse. It’s never easy when we are unable to see eye to eye. I hate it when my husband and I are at odds. It just feels weird and throws things off balance.

However, the reality is that our most recent argument probably won’t be our last. Something else will happen, a word will be said or we may be on opposite sides when it comes to a certain topic, and it’s okay. As I am maturing, I’m learning the art of managing the conflicts that arise in my relationship. It wasn’t always easy, but I now recognize what needs to happen in order for us to arrive back at a place of peace.

….every challenge isn’t the end of the world.

There are always rules to conflict as well as preventing what actually leads to the conflict. You may have heard various tips on how to make up after a blow up. The truth is, not every rule works in every relationship or in every situation. Couples tend to receive advice from a variety of sources, including friends and family. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. We must know the relationship, be knowledgeable of our spouse and be honest about ourselves.  Being in tune with each of those areas assists us in getting back on track. We must remember that every challenge isn’t the end of the world. Hopefully we’ll bounce back and move forward better than ever.

Here are a few actions you can take after a disagreement with your spouse:

You and your partner will disagree, it’s a fact. But you have to be willing to listen, forgive, apologize and move forward.

BMWK, How do you make up after a blow up?

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