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How to Overcome Emotional Spending in 4 Critical Steps

Life may be beautiful, but we all know it isn’t always easy. When life gets tough, many of us resort to hitting the malls and online sites to help ease the jabs and punches of life.

But looking for happiness or relief through spending only brings about temporary happiness and permanent debt.

So before you break out your credit card the next time life is not going your way, take some time and follow these steps. They will keep you out of debt and in control.

Stop and breathe

When you are hit with bad news or frustrating feelings, don’t try to run away from what you are experiencing. Examine it and understand that it is okay to have negative feelings and that we all get our share of obstacles in life.

Once you understand that challenges are but a mere part of life, you’ll be less likely to fiscally react by maxing out your credit cards or traveling with your rent money!

Manage your expectations about life and happiness

One of the reasons that we get so upset about life and resort to crazy levels of spending is because our expectations are out of whack.

The acceptable norm is that happiness is found in the purchase of a certain item, or the bling of a certain look.

These thoughts lead to finding fault with your life if you are not always happy or even if something “unhappy” occurs. This is far from the case.

Knowing that setbacks are temporary and not connected to your self-worth will minimize your cravings for a new Michael Kors bag or a 7-day, 6-night trip to Paris when things get a little rough.

Create a budget that allows for a monthly splurge

The beauty about budgets is that you can customize them to fit your needs.

If you want to allocate $25 for your monthly splurge, then do so without digging yourself into a hole. In other words, this $25 is pre-planned for spending so you don’t take monies from your rent, groceries, or other important necessities to fund your emotional spending fix.

Reach out and speak to someone about what you are feeling

Ever think that your inability to manage your emotions in a way that is healthy may mean that you need help?

There is absolutely no shame in investing in a life coach, therapist, or speaking with a spiritual leader for guidance and unconditional support.

Use the money that you would blow on something that you don’t really need and attend to your emotional health.

BMWK: How are you handling your emotional spending? What other advice would you give?

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