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Money Monday: Five Years From Now, Will You Be Living the Life of Your Dreams?

Sit back and relax.  Now, imagine your life five years from now.

Have you fulfilled a dream or two?

Are you passionately engaged in work you love?

Have you finally put your money problems behind you?

Or ……

Five years from now, will you still be stuck in the same old rut, – living paycheck to paycheck, toiling at the same job? Will you still be vowing to obtain that rock hard body or to finally ditch your smoking habit?

Five years from now, will you find yourself still muttering, “Someday, I’ll ____________ (fill in the blank)?”

Dan Zadra, author of 5: Where Will You Be Five Years from Today, challenges us all to ask where will we be five years from now.

“The next five years can be the most exciting and satisfying years of your life—or just another five years,” he advises.

Don’t Let the Routine of Life Assassinate Your Dreams

It’s easy to get caught up in the daily drudgery. Life is demanding. But in the hustle and bustle, we often fail to see two steps ahead of ourselves, never mind five years down the road.

Instead of working toward our dreams, we’re busy working for our next paycheck. We’re too busy dealing with the stresses, twists and turns that life throws our way.

And before you know it, life flies by. A year passes, then two, then three…..

Think Like a Kid Again

It’s funny how life cruelly snuffs out our ambitions. As kids, we dreamed big. Everything was possible. But as adults, we’ve learned to settle for less.

Somewhere along the way we fell victims to the grind of life.

But it’s time for that to change. Go ahead. Dream again. It’s your life and you only get one shot at it.

Forget the haters.

Squash the monster of doubt that whispers from within.

Is it the dream career you put on hold to raise a family? Is it the entrepreneurial pursuit that’s always resided in your heart? How about a second language you’ve wanted to learn for years? Perhaps, it’s the simple peace of mind that comes from financial freedom.

It All Begins With Small Actions Applied Consistently

Again, imagine your ideal life five years from now, – one that makes you happy, free, and satisfied.

That ideal tomorrow begins today. Despite what the world tells us, we can make our dreams come true. But it happens one step at a time.

Fill each and every day with at least one activity that brings you closer to your ideal life. Small step or big step, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you are consistent.

Consistent action, applied over time is the key to making your dreams come true. Each day becomes a brick setting the foundation for your ideal tomorrow. Take one small step at a time, and before you know it, you’re breaking out of your rut, rushing toward the life you deserve.

Start Making It Happen, Today

Want to speak fluent Spanish in five years? Learn one new word a day, then a new verb tense, followed by a new phrase, then a new sentence.

Want to get in shape? Start walking 15 minutes a day, then 30 minutes, and then add jogging to your routine. No one says that you have to become Jillian Michaels overnight. Begin working out with a friend once a week, then twice a week. Remember, action applied consistently allows you to reach your goal.

Perhaps you’ve always wanted to start your own business. Take action now. Find a business mentor. Contribute a few hundred dollars every month to a “start-up” fund. Even consider starting your business as a side hustle.

The key is to make progress each day, each week, each year toward your dream future.

Five Years From Now, Will You Be Living Your Dreams?

Mark Twain once warned that we’ll regret not the things we’ve done, but those we did not do. Don’t find yourself saying, “I should have”, “I would have”, “I could have.” That’s the greatest tragedy of life. We all have the power to shape our futures. The hardest part is taking that first step.

BMWK, ask yourself, what kind of life do you want to have in five years? Now ask, what are you doing today to get there?

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