By Tatianah Green
Ever heard of pregaming? It’s an action that involves drinking alcohol at home before going out to drink again at an event. Essentially it’s to save money, assemble the crew together, and get ready for a night out. Pregaming in the worldly sense can be self-destructive, but who says that you can’t get your mind and spirit right for an event such as a date? And no I’m not talking about taking a shot for bravery.
This post is to help you get a predate regiment that will better prepare you for what’s to come, especially if you’re just getting back into it after a long period of being single. This comes from seeking your dating coach, God, about what and how you’re feeling about this date. It may be a first date, a second, or the date that confirms if this is the person you’re going to pursue an exclusive relationship with. Whichever, you have to be prepared with a pregame plan for your date.
“He showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” –Micah 6:8
I like this scripture because it’s essential keys to living like Christ, and it’s important to remember this as a part of your custom-tailored pre-gaming regiment for a date:
Justly: to be honorable, honest, fair, unbiased
Mercy: to have compassion, understanding, kindness
Humbly: to be respectful, modest, not cocky or arrogant
While you are putting your outfit together or getting groomed for the date, reflect on the passage and get your mind focused on how you will be just, merciful and humble during the date. As Christians we are always representing the Father in some way, and dates are no exception. Now don’t feel any added pressure. Be calm and follow through with the date knowing that God is on your side.
Praying is an important part of the pregame regiment for dates. You can create a prayer to open up dialogue between you and God about what’s going to transpire. If you are struggling with something like fear of rejection or doubt, ask God to help you. Ask God to keep your mind focused on Him and being a good example of a godly man or woman on this date because it’s so easy to be persuaded otherwise. Here’s an example:
Father God, thank you for being the head over my life and for searching my heart. I ask that you help me obtain spiritual direction and understanding on this date. Help me make choices in conversation and activities that line up with what is pleasing to You. Keep my mind, guard my heart, and protect me from any ungodly emotional or soul ties. Thank You for being with me on this date and for the Holy Spirit who guides me; for Your glory Lord, Amen.
You can also call up a friend or accountability partner to pray for or with you for support. We need to have people to let know where we are going and with whom so we are held accountable for our actions like coming home at a decent time and coming to our own home at the end of the date. Whatever you choose to include in your prayer, let it be sincere from the heart and God will meet you where you are located, after all He wants you to succeed, even if the date itself is a fail.
BMWK – what do you do to prepare for a date?
Tatianah Green is a multimedia content creator with a passion for writing. In 2012 she launched her first blog, B.L.I.S.S. {Black Love & Inspiration for Saved Singles} to encourage the Black faith community to be the best in their personal relationships with God that will in turn create successful relationships and marriages. Tatianah wants to engage readers in conversations that discuss how our community approaches popular culture, dating, and relationships. Tatianah lives, works, and dates in Chicago. Connect with Tatianah on her blog,