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We Asked and They Told: Top 5 Things the Opposite Sex Wants You to Know About Relationships

When it comes to relationships, men and women speak totally different languages. Each gender has very diverse ideas in regards to what a relationship should look like, let alone be like.

Finding a perfect balance in a relationship is a constant struggle that men and women face. In an effort to bridge the gap, I interviewed a number of men and women between the ages of 25-55 concerning the top five things that they want the opposite sex to know regarding relationships.

As you can imagine, each side had a lot of opinions; listed below are the top five:

Top five things women want men to know from a woman’s perspective:

  1. Communicate more. When a problem arises or you are confronted about issues, don’t run away and hide. Face the problem and work it out like an adult.
  2.  Be Honest. If you don’t want a committed relationship and you just want to play the field, then articulate that fact. Stop involving women in a “committed” relationship when you have no desire to be monogamous.
  3.  Get a job. It is not a woman’s responsibility to take care of a man. A man should take care of himself.
  4. Chivalry is not dead. A woman would like to see a man take the lead, take the initiative; open a door, pull out a chair, hold an umbrella over her in the rain, etc. Treat her like the lady that she is.
  5.  Every woman isn’t attracted to you. Don’t try to date every woman you meet. Appreciate and respect the women that God sends into your life. Some women were meant to just be your friend. Cherish that friendship.

 Top five things men want women to know from a man’s perspective

  1. Respect yourself. Be a lady. Carry yourself in a more dignified manner. Stop wearing such revealing clothes. Leave a little something to the imagination.
  2. Know your value and your worth. Stop settling for less. Demand more; expect more and you will get more.
  3. Guard your heart. Stop giving men your heart, especially when they haven’t earned it.
  4. Friends first. Enjoy the friendship phase of the relationship. Don’t rush pass that phase to get to something more serious.
  5. Do you! Stop allowing your man’s needs, wants, and desires to overshadow your own. Stay focused on your dreams, aspirations, and goals. The rest will follow, including your man.

The variances listed continue to spotlight the differences between men and women, even to the core of what’s tolerated and what is expected. Don’t automatically become pro or con regarding this list.

Related: 7 Songs every man listens to when he’s falling in love

Instead, consider the answers and allow yourself to really think about the points that were made. We can all learn from this list. Examine yourself and ask if you are guilty of any of these charges. If so, choose to make the necessary changes to become better in your relationships. Also, allow this list to be a conversation starter with your partner in an effort to gain relational harmony.

BMWK, in which of these areas can you improve in your relationships?

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