You probably already suspected as much, but new research backs up the long-held theory of: a couple that prays together, stays together But it's not just simply praying; it's attending regular church service with your spouse. According to a new study published by the Institute for Family Studies, these married couples who go to church together were "about 30 to 50 percent … [Read more...]
3 Petty Arguments Married Couples Need to Stop Having Now
We know it's not natural to respond to someone with love when they are acting petty, shady or resentful. But it's more rewarding to reply with love than responding with the same resentment. It's easy to take our spouse for granted because they are with us day in and day out. It's easy because we know that no matter what, they are the one person who will love us to our … [Read more...]
6 Hot and Heavy Reasons Pregnancy Sex Can Be Oh So Good!
Being pregnant doesn’t have to end your sex life for the next 9 months. Sex during pregnancy is great, as long as your doctor has given you the thumbs up. Married couples can continue to enjoy one another during this special season. Now, this is not meant to be medical advice but pleasure advice, from one wife to another. Here are 6 reasons to keep doing what you do: Doctor … [Read more...]
We Asked and They Told: Top 5 Things the Opposite Sex Wants You to Know About Relationships
When it comes to relationships, men and women speak totally different languages. Each gender has very diverse ideas in regards to what a relationship should look like, let alone be like. Finding a perfect balance in a relationship is a constant struggle that men and women face. In an effort to bridge the gap, I interviewed a number of men and women between the ages of 25-55 … [Read more...]