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The Truth Is…Marriage Can Be Heaven on Earth

Make no mistake, Heaven on Earth takes work. Marriage is work. It takes effort and energy to succeed at anything worth having. This includes marriage. Effort is put into losing weight; into getting a promotion or new job; into getting closer to God our source; and countless other things. This same effort is needed to support your successful marriage.

When concerted effort is put in by two people going in the same direction, their desires begin to match up. Goals begin to come in alignment, and heaven on earth is resting in your home.

Neither person is fighting to have their own way, but husband and wife have such a desire to please one another that each person is well cared for. Needs are met and desires are being fulfilled. As desires are being fulfilled both husband and wife can be patient and content because they know they are working together to cause some good things to happen in their marriage relationship.

So, now I ask, what does heaven on earth in your marriage look like to you? Get a picture in your mind. Talk about it with your mate. Singles, this is for you too. Have a vision and expectation for your marriage. It will help you to know when Mr. or Mrs. Right comes along.

Have a vision based in reality and realistic expectations. This limits disappointments. When your vision of heaven on earth is met with someone who hates doing dishes, passes gas, and snores half the night, will you be disappointed or realize this is part of the reality package?

The reality is that challenges will come your way.  However, even in the midst of challenge, peace can rest and abide in your home. Heaven on earth can still reside at your address. You will be in a hurry to get home when you know that peace will greet you at the door, and joy and happiness fills every room in your place.

Listen, if couples face marriage with a consumer mentality, every issue has the potential to become a deal breaker.

Consumer Mentality – I bought it, I paid for it, I want everything to be right and it better not break. If it does, I’ll send it back and get me a new one.

However, if couples face marriage with a gardener mentality, there is more of a willingness to work through issues for the betterment and growth of both parties resulting in a stronger love and commitment.

Gardener Mentality – I want to see spring flowers and experience a little piece of heaven every day. Let me water, cultivate, fertilize and watch this thing grow. If ever it looks like my flowers are withering, I’ll investigate until I figure out the SOURCE of the challenge so we can fix it all at the root level.

Marriage can be heaven on earth. Design your little piece of paradise. Create a safe haven for your family based in reality and truth, keeping disappointment at bay. See with eyes of love and experience your Heaven on Earth.

BMWK – When you first married did you have a gardener or consumer mentality?

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