Few things are as uncomfortable for me as watching a woman, that I love, be someone that I know she’s not when her man is in the room. It bothers me to my core. And I know that when it comes to dating—particularly in the early dates—there is a tendency to put our best foot forward. I actually get that. But that’s not what I am talking about here. I am talking about those … [Read more...]
3 Things to Do If You Keep Attracting the Wrong Man
Finding the right person to build a life with isn’t always easy. Sure, some people luck out and meet the right person when they are young and without much drama, but for many, dating is stressful and choosing someone who’s a right fit is often hard. And for women who feel like every time they give this love thing a try they seem to end up with a loser, dating can feel like a … [Read more...]
5 Often Overlooked Places to Find Mr. Right…or for Him to Find You!
The Good Book, says “He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord- Proverbs 18:22.” The thing I love about this verse is that there are no qualifiers—find a wife, get favor. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. The problem is, sometimes it feels like the brothers aren’t working hard enough to do the finding. So I put my thinking cap on and asked my … [Read more...]
5 Best Places to Meet a Saved and Single Man in 2016
Okay, so lets be honest. The place to meet a good man, let alone a Godly man is becoming more and more challenging. On each of our trainings we do with singles, this is the biggest complaint we have. Where are all the good, saved, and single men at? As a male, I can reassure you they are out there you just need to be in the right place in order to be found by them. A … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Tell if He’s Marriage Material
The man you marry will be of your choosing. I know you will choose wisely. The five traits listed here only begin to touch the surface of this subject, yet these are big ticket items. The list is not all inclusive but something to think about as love comes knocking on your door. Your boundaries and standards will determine if he is marriage material. When Mr. Right comes … [Read more...]
8 Ways to Know if You’re in Love With a Man or a Boy?
Love is a wonderful feeling, but not all things that feel good are necessarily good for us. Sometimes we fall in love with someone, praying and hoping for the best, even when their behavior tells us that we might be caught up in a mess. Typically, intuition can guide us in the right direction, but it’s only useful if we listen to it. When you meet a man that charms you and … [Read more...]
8 Reasons Why Your Man May be Mr. Wrong
For some people, finding the right mate just happens. They weren’t looking for it, but somehow they were in the right place at the right time, they dated, and love blossomed. Sure, developing a strong foundation may not have been easy, but finding each other wasn’t all that hard. It simply just happened. That isn’t always the case though. Some people find themselves ready … [Read more...]
The Truth Is…Marriage Can Be Heaven on Earth
Make no mistake, Heaven on Earth takes work. Marriage is work. It takes effort and energy to succeed at anything worth having. This includes marriage. Effort is put into losing weight; into getting a promotion or new job; into getting closer to God our source; and countless other things. This same effort is needed to support your successful marriage. When concerted effort is … [Read more...]
Before The Engagement: 7 Things Single People Should Know About Marriage
by Nicole Taylor So you want to get married? Are you completely sure about that? Have you prepared yourself for what marriage entails? If you have a subscription to a bridal magazine, know which ring you want and have already appointed your best friend the duty of being your maid of honor, check out these seven points on marriage. If you've got your best man … [Read more...]
Have You Fallen Victim To The “Right Person” Myth?
One thing I've learned over my lifetime is that you can always learn from others, regardless of whether they are further ahead of you, in a similar position as you, or striving to be where you are. The principle of being open to diverse sources of wisdom is especially valuable with respect to relationships. For instance, I recently got engaged but my current status did … [Read more...]