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3 Ways to Support Your Spouse’s Dreams, Even If You Don’t Understand Their Vision

One of the key elements in our relationships, that we take for granted, is the ability to support each other’s dreams and goals.  Being supportive of each other is often the foundation of how we build our lives together.  I want to share three ways that you can can support your spouse as they execute toward their ambitious goals.

1. Encourage Them

People outside of our close knit circles (and sometimes inside of those circles) are not always going to be supportive.  Some people don’t see your vision and they can’t imagine you being successful at something outside of what they know you to be at the present time.  The fact that others will discourage and not be supportive of your spouse in their dreams is more reason for you as the truly “significant other” to be incredibly supportive and encouraging.

Nothing worth having in life ever comes easy and it’s important for you to be there to remind your spouse that challenges are obstacles they will overcome.  Whether it’s climbing the corporate ladder, being an entrepreneur or adding to their skill-set with continuing education, whatever the aspiration is, being there to encourage and hold your spouse down is such a great way to support.  They will appreciate you as you lift them up as they go higher in life!

2. Let Them Know You Are Committed to Them

When you got married, you committed to walk through life together.  This same commitment should apply to supporting your spouse through their endeavors.  The road to fulfill aspirations and dreams is not easy, but when we are married, it should not be traveled alone.

The road to fulfill aspirations and dreams is not easy, but when we are married, it should not be traveled alone.

There are so many times when we see that our spouse is simply there for us as we are growing in ourselves and grinding in our “hustle,” it gives us a reminder we aren’t in this alone.  Being committed to support each other through our journey is the ultimate sign that someone has your back.  There are times when knowing someone is there for you is the most important thing as you take steps forward toward vision.

3. Pick up a Shovel and Help Them

If I’m digging a ditch, I’m glad you are supportive in theory of the fact I took on this challenge to dig this ditch.  But what I really need is for you to pick up a shovel and help me dig!  Most of the time, there is a way we can find our “shovel” to help our spouse as they attack their dreams and goals.

But what I really need is for you to pick up a shovel and help me dig!

The specific task that we do to support our spouse in a tangible way doesn’t matter as much as the fact that we are doing something to show our support.  Entrepreneurs can especially relate to the fact it often feels lonely when you have a vision and no one else can see it and no one is stepping in to try to help you achieve your vision.

…when you have someone else digging in to help, it eases the burden a bit and helps motivate you to keep going.

When our spouse steps in with a second shovel, sometimes it gives us a second wind as life and challenges are going to be tough.  Maybe you are not yet making the money you aspire to make, or you aren’t getting the response to your vision that you expected—whatever the issue, when you have someone else digging in to help, it eases the burden a bit and helps motivate you to keep going.

When we find every way we can to be supportive of our spouse’s endeavors, we are really showing them how much we love them and how they will continue to be first in our lives.

BMWK, how do you support your spouse?

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