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After 12 Years, Why I Can Say Marriage is the B.O.M.B.!

My wife and I just celebrated 12 years of marriage.  Although we still feel we are learning this marriage thing, to some we are considered marriage veterans.  And when asked, we can truly say, we are happily married.

Yes, sweaty palms happen even after the alter

I am not going to act like it’s been easy.  Yes, we’ve had some issues.  It has been real, and we haven’t always felt this way. For example as I was writing this post, I stopped to ask my wife, “are you happily married?”  She paused and looked up for a second before saying, “yes.”  Had a brotha sweating for real!

Something amazing happens after the alter as well

But I don’t care what anybody says, marriage is the B.O.M.B.!  One reason we can say we are happily married is our embracing and living out a Bible verse we found in the Book of Genesis.

This is now Bone Of My Bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Do you want the B.O.M.B. marriage?

That scripture is not just for our marriage, but your marriage as well.  It is a blueprint for not only staying together in marriage, but happily staying together.  If this is what you want for your marriage, go ahead, make your marriage the B.O.M.B. by living the same principles.

BMWK – What will you do in order to be happily married?

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